
got back in the groove today!!!!

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well some of you might of read i was a little down last time i jumped. well i had to get my reserve repacked and so i went down to a dz about 140 kilometers away that has a rigger that can do pop tops. i picked it up today and stayed to jump so that my hour drive wasn't just to pick up my rig. got to jump a cesna 208! this thing packed some turbine heat in it!!!! climbed like 1,000ft a min! six of us went up in it to 12,000ft. it took no time at all. climbed through (industrial haze) at about 8,000ft to 10,000ft. glad they had gps! get out and do some speed turn drills. also got to watch the last jumper leave as i fell on my back and watched. my gogles started to leak air and so my vision went a little blury but it wasn't that bad. found the landing area and played around a little....found out that my suspension lines have a half twist in them from when i put them on my risers last time...(last week) no biggie, did some "radical turns" that i never had tried before and mad a nice soft tiptoe landing near, not in the peas. i was the only jumper on the load to stand it up. one guy even got his nice white jumpsuit covered head to toe in mud!!! :( this jump rocked! i was even more happy when i found out it only cost me 25 bucks to have my reserve repacked! today was great.....i can't wait to get my new canopy in and get enough money to order my new reserve........this summer is going to rock!!!!!!!!!!!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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whooooo heeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
glad you had a great day today! and it costs less than you expected.. seems like youve got everything working out for you. pretty cool.
BTW... that sticker jump that never took place at CSS has been reschedualed for sometime this summer. If you ask nicely we might hold out until your visit :) hehe

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Ya know, I have a feeling there will be a spate of "back in the saddle" posts soon, what with spring springing and all. Had a hella fun day myself - slept about 9 hours this weekend between work and jumping, and boy was it worth it! I demo'd a Crossfire (a big ol' 129, loaded about 1.3 - not too radical) and geez it was cool. Lands like a dream. Golly. Too bad I can't quite afford it yet... Had some really fun jumps, including a spectacular diving exit which turned briefly into a head-down, transitioned to a sit until I was vertically relative, and then went through a front layout to a perfect dock. Very unconventional, but it worked! B|
Next time I try it will be on purpose. ;)
Hope lots of other folks are getting ready to post about their fabulous weekend, too!
-blue skies, green bottles - Patkat

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what "sticker" jump? fill me in i missed something here. i don't know what it is yet but it would be an honor to have you wait for me........

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Glad you had such a good time Wingie! It just takes one of those kickass jumps to make it all come back :)I wish I could tell a similar story of the weekend, but alas, the plane didn't even get out of the hangar. *sigh* I was supposed to do my last dive to graduate, then as part of my graduating jump, my instructor was going to do a two-stack CRW with me!! I was so pumped!! The winds never got down enough tho, and it was cloudy the entire weekend :(. Another guy was supposed to do his 100th jump (nude of course) and Freaksis came up with Heather too...none of us got up! Completely sucked, but had a great time going out with the girls Saturday night anyway. Maybe Sis will get some of the pics uploaded from our night. The people sitting around us certainly got an interesting sex education from the drunk girls' loud mouths! She got a funny pic of my attempt at 'manual breast enhancement' too. LOL!
Anyway...fun weekend...maybe I'll actually get to jump next weekend!
Blue skies and soft winds dammit!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-Joan Borysenko

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okay, the sticker jump story...
while down at CSS somebody somehow came up with the idea that we should get some Xkeys stickers and wear them when we jump. A few more conversations down the road and we had discussed making bathing suits out of crosskeys stickers, icarus stickers and skydiving.com stickers.... And jumping in those stickers. We debated whether to make just 'bikini tops' or bottoms too. we settled for regular shorts and a sticker top.. through some intoxicating campfire chit chat we managed to get 'sponcered'... we had 4 jump tickets that some guys were willing to buy for us. (thanks lyle, derrick, guitar guy and ? i cant remember who else!). but then stacy hurt her shoulder, sarah ran out of money, and i wasnt about to climb on a plane, willing to do a sticker tandem w/ big daddy walt, at least not without the girls. I shoulda anyway, we were able to secure a tandem rig for no fee, and the JT's were sponcored.. i really should have! damnit. oh well, sticker season is apon us, will try for this summer!

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