
This is the photo i am going to enter in a contest

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okay ya wanted to know what we think so here's my $.02.
i'm not an expert photographer myself but i like to dabble in it a little.so here's my take. the picuter is well composed. the swooper dramaticly grabs your attention at first with the nice mountains in the background compementing him. the only thing i see is that the shadows (on the swooper himself) detract from the overall quality a litle....over all very good. wish i had some cool skydiving pick like that....just never brought my camera to the dz since i got to germany.....maybe i should start........good luck on the contest hope ya get a blue ribbon, but if ya don't ya better at least get some BLUE SKIES!!!!!!
p.s. i like like the fish eye effect it adds alot to the picture!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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hi viking,
the pic wasen´t bad, but if you´ve used any filter like polarisation and uv it´ll be better. which film did you used? perhaps you´ll go to any good photolab and made a few copies of it whith different filters, i think an orange or a red one will be right, and you can cut the right side away cause the interessting thing on the pic was the skydiver with his canopy, and not the nature around. could you tell me for witch contest you´ll use this pic? what is the theme of the contest?
blue skies ditch

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Yo Viking...very cool pic. It is my new desktop wallpaper (if you don't mind:)As for the filters, I'm not that photo inclined, so I can't recommend much more.
Good luck, buddy and you'll have your movie soon.
Blue skys,

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Wingnut about the crappy shadows. thats coused by my 3 1/2 year old scanner the print that i did myself in a color dark room here at school has much more detail you can see Steve's (whiskychick is correct) face and even his glass's that here wears. Plus photopoint for some odd reason darks up everything that i put on there i even tried going into photoshop and messing with it but alas. oh well
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Ditch: sorry to say that i could use any filter b/c of the type of lens i was using which was a 16mm fisheye the lens had a b+w filter pack built in and there was no way to put a polorizor on that thing wish i could have though becouse i really wanted the ski to pop out and smack you in the face.
and about the placement. I have learned that leaving enough space infront of the person is much more pleasing to the eye b/c it doesn't create tention by making it look he is about fly right out of the frame.
The picture is for a bring in photo contest for a Photojournilism contest the theme is Things that College Students might like. and i thought Skydiving was a perfect subject.......plus it gave me a reason to rent some bitchen camera gear and go down to the DZ :)Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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