
calling all europeans for a boogie!

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Wingi's official nick-name at the dz.com boogie is now officially going to be Fairy Wingnut!!! waaahahahahahahaha

OH MY GOD! heaven help you skreamer, making me laugh like that :) hehe. So when is Fairy wingnut coming to america? pretty soon! whoo hee!

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Don't you mean the WingFairy or the FairyNut?? Bwaaa haa haa haaaaaaa!!! Too funny! FairyNut, FairyNut, ner ner na ner ner!!

oh my goodness... BenW you have taken skreamers mean (but funny as hell :) sense of humor to a new low. hehe. I think the fairyNut is hilarious! Call him that for me when youre at the boogie! thanks ben!

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all you bad skydiver need to stop throwing my name around! it is mine and canot be givven to some mortal like it is a joke. my parents the fairy queen and king would not be happy. there is a stict law in fairy land that no-one is to have the same name. you should stop using this name now, or i will call the masses of fairys to push clouds over all your dz's and make hoof and mouth inflict the whole world. you will be skydive less for the rest of you lives. if i am really insulted you will also have all your windtunnels blown up with pixie dust. feel the rath of the fairy prince!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hawain Theme!
wingi, huffer and Ben, following what you guys said in another thread, I think Hawain (can you say LOUD) shirts should be our standard dress for the Texel dz.com boogie. That way we will always be able to find each other (unless you are staring at the floor from 2 inches, but that means you fell over and can't see f@ckall anyway). I will get those T-shirts printed up : let me know now if you have any ideas what you want on it, otherwise I'm just going to use my discretion (be afraid wingi, hee hee). Also how many oooo's in moooooose do you want Alan? Ben, are you happy with just Ben? Can't we make it Ben Dover???:D
I think our first drinking rule of the weekend should be that anyone of us who gets seen without his hawain shirt when the bar is open HAS to skull a beer or shot.
PS wingi tell your lameass fairy family that if they think they are getting free T-shirts, they've got two chances (zero and F-all).

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definantly going to have to be hawain theme also skreamer do you realise we will have to wear hawain t shirts on the flight to amsterdam and when we are on the piss in amsterdam, are you up for the challenge????????
and we all gotta ask our selfs the question at the end of the boogie "who is the weakest link?"
skreamer tell me which flight your on and i'll meet you and fly with you to amsterdam. !
glad to hear the let is back and nice one with the warp jumps did you jump with chris as in big army dude with a 1920' aviator moustache?
oh yeh i will leave it to your discretion on how many o's in mooooooooose preferably more than 2 to get the right affect of course.

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so........what the heck does: " skull a beer or shot" mean? i'm a little out of touch with u.k. slang, and i haven't seen that one used on the t.v. channels i get from there.......the weakest link?...not me!!!!!! so, hawaiian theme it is then. went there back in '96. remind me to show ya the hang over joke.....so what time are you guys flying into amsterdam? how many jumps are you guys planing on doing over this weekend? i'd like to jump my ass off and do at least 8 jumps a day!! well back to work for me....gota keep the sargent happy of he likes to find stupid sh!t for me to do like clean!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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skull = kneck, down, drink all at once
getting the drift not sure what time we're flying into amsterdam i am free all day, so it's screamers call, my mate will be in touch with me about digs for that evening (digs means a place to stay for the night)
in a few days, but i'm sure it will be a right larf and a half i mean a laugh and a full pint.
take it easy

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