
The Texel Boogie Boys

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Well I finally got to meet Screamer today, what a loon. And yes, he is as mad as you'd imagine. Approximate dz.com post to jump ratio 15:1. Turns out he leads a bit of a charmed life at 'work'. Managed two jumps together and if the boy can learn to arch ;) we'll bang some more out before long. Sorry I had to leave in such a hurry (bus), didn't get to say goodbye.
Also saw BenW (seems there's a little coven of dz.comers at Langar) who just recently got his FF1 - beer! - and got on a sunset tracking dive when I didn't, so I don't like him any more. :)Moose, you might not remember this but last time I saw you you gave me your one remaining jump ticket 'cos you were going to be away for ages (what a nice guy). But I felt really guilty about it (what a sucker) so I gave it to Angela for safe keeping. As I remember it she put it in your (aff?) 'file' so there might be a 'free' jump waiting for you. Nice.
Have a groovy time in Texel, you too Wingnut.

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ha ha ha nice one.
glad you had a good time i am going up to langar on tuesday to drink jump and be merry
nice to know i got a jump waiting for me yeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaa
just called my mate he's at langar and says its rocking, he's quite shedded i hate to look at the bill on my satphone call as he's on his mobile but by all acounts skreamer took the piss out of him for me yeeeeeeeha
can't wait to get out there
c u moooooooooose

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and if the boy can learn to arch

And you jump with weights why exactly? As for that 4-way we almost launched, if it wasn't for my death-grips you and Ric would have been NOWHERE!!! Also, less of the touchy feely stuff in the plane next time, I respect the fact that you two guys are *special* friends, but don't try and get me involved in your nocturnal dirt-diving!!!hee hee:D
PS and thanks for not reminding me about my Pro-Track every 5 minutes!!!>:(

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