
Cost of AFF?

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Isssss anyboooooody ooooout therrrrrre?
I have a whuffo friend that I have just convinced to become a skydiver. However, he would like to know which way is the cheapest (yeah, like that is possible:D) way to go. Since I graduated as a S/L student, I only know 1/2 the answer.
Can someone please give me a rough estimate of how much it costs to complete an AFF course?
Thanx Much
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There was a thread earlier titled "how much should I expect to pay for this" or something to that effect. It probably is several pages back by now. Sorry I can't post a link - I don't know how.
(just brought it back up for you - check around here.....)
That may help you get a rough idea as to the costs in the different area.
Ciel bleu-
Edited by michele on 7/13/01 11:23 AM.

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However, he would like to know which way is the cheapest (yeah, like that is possible) way to go. Since I graduated as a S/L student, I only know 1/2 the answer.

I was AFF myself, but from what I've seen, it looks like the 2 programs work out about the same costwise (up through the A license). Static line costs less on a per-jump basis, but there are quite a few more jumps. That's good for a person who is financially challenged and can only afford maybe a jump or 2 a month. On the other hand, if the person wants to get off student status in a hurry, you can theoretically do it in 8 jumps with AFF. Personally, I think either method works.

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