
Crappy British Summer!!!

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How do you think I feel, Remi?
I have booked 6 friends for tandems. We already had to cancel once because of the weather. If they can't jump tomorrow then I think some of them are just going to give up (and I can't say I really blame them). I paid their deposits on my account too, and now I feel responsible for the weather.
I think it is time to apply for an H1B visa and move to Florida - I could handle the winters here if we got a decent summer, but we don't (at least Canada has a summer).
PS see how I've learnt to whinge like a local already? ;)

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Hmmmm....Guess that's why you guys drive on the *other* side of the road!

Lets make ONE thing straight: I'M NOT A BRIT!!! I'm Quebequois (thats the untaimed French Canadians that want to seperate but say No every time they're given the opportunity...) ;)
And for the weather Will.. I hear you... thats why when I coordinated (notice that i didn't use the word organized) some tandem for colleagues, I tried to keep un-attached to the whole process... I've organised many activities before, and been in charge of many others, and I didnt want the baggage that came with it.... and you Will have a bigger heart then I have for paying yourself for the deposit!
PS: and to think I almost moved to Denver 2-1/2 years ago, and instead ended up in sunny England!
PPS: Will, if I didnt pick up a bit of that SA accent in your post, I could have sworn you were a Pommie....;)

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