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I show up last Sunday to the DZ. My friend Mike said he would jump with me all day so I can work on slides and body position etc. As soon as I get there Mike and a few others invite me on a 5 way. I think cool a three way is the biggest jump I've done so far. The jump goes good we turn a couple of points and break off. Now here comes the fun part, Mike says were gonna do a two way on the next jump and work on my side slides. We dirt dive by the mockup we go over the exit it's a two way with no grips then mike is gonna come and take grips and we'll start the dive. As we start loading Mike asks for us to be first out "hmmm" I think I am a high puller still but no biggie I'll pull at 2500. On the ride up Mike keeps going over the dive a little more then he usually would but maybe he's nervous (yea right he has 1000+ jumps) the blue light comes on and we slde up to the door the six way thats going after us is checking to make sure where I'm gonna pull (they all know I'm a low jumper 20+). We get the green light and we climb out. Mike gives the count and we go as I'm going away from the plane I think I see someone else exiting, but theres Mike in front of me so I take grips. I then nod and go to release and he holds on and shakes his head no. I'm thinking what the heck is up here, just then I look up over Mike and My Jaw trys to drop to the ground but it's to far down I scream "Holy Sh@#!!!" cause swooping down on us is the six way that was supposed to be after us. "Oh my god their doing my SCR" runs through my brain and then someone is grabbing my wrist and shaking it I let go of Mike and they take a slot. I'm grining like a madman and totally blown away by how these guys are flying around me. Everyone else takes their slots and I'm in a 8 way round, grining from ear to ear at everybody. RD is right across from me and he bellows out "yahoo" and I can hear him He keys and they break. I start to backslide (always keep flying) they pick up my slack and turn the point now theres a pod on either side of me, and thats point number two (thats my Eagle). I am beyond ecstatic at this point, I check my altitude and it's almost time to breakoff Mike nods and we 180 track wave off and pull and I'm under Canopy. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs I check around me everyone is below me and were right on top of the DZ. I yank the right toggle down hard and burn off some altitude with some 360's check my spot. pull a couple of s turns and I'm landing 2 meters from the peas (on my toes of course you silly). I think to myself it just keeps getting better. I walk....no I strut back to the packing area and everyone is laughing at my reaction and congratulating me. I try to thank them for this experience but "thank you" doesn't seem good enough but I just keep repeating it to them anyway. Now I'm sitting here 2 days later and I still want to run out and tell everyone about it and the smile is still pasted on my face. I want to once again thank Mike B., Mary, Mark, Rick G., Marshall, RD, and Francois (and everyone else at Skydive San Marcos...cause you people rock)for the best skydive I've experienced so far. All I can say is fu#%ing WOW!!!!!
"......and then the canopy opens and you float to the ground like a multicolored snowflake"

Edited by snowflake on 7/17/01 02:55 PM.

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I owe 3 cases of beer and I am lucky cause most of the people I talked to afterwrds said you usually don't get an SCR till aroun 40-80 jumps I'm just lucky enough to have skydiving friends......Sinister I hope can get a pre or post A jump with ya Saturday......cause I know your gonna finish up this weekend

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