
*psht* Viking is clear for Level 4 *psht*

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So after my day at parris with .comer's i went south back to Otay to do my lvl3. I get there and walk in with my camera bag slung over shoulder book of slides and 5 pictures to deliver. So i go over to the packing loft hoping to find Barb so i can give her pictures and watch her face light up like she just did her first jump :).
Look Leslie a paragraph!!!!!! :)So i go put the pictures back and get my check book!! I then go to manifest and slap it down and say "Jen....I wanna pay for the rest of my lvl's RIGHT NOW!!!" this big grin comes to her face and she starts doing the math. It comes out to $661 thats lvl's 3-7 (we don't have a lvl 8 here for some reason) she hands me 5 little cards......they are jump tickets they are MY LIFE!!!! :)So its a 15min call and we go into the gear room and suit up. I come out looking like a smurf turtle and get my two checks and we head out to the plane and i stand around in the prop wash for a min while the tandems get there shit together. We all get in the plane and its an uneventful climb to 13.5 yes we got an extra 1000feet to play with yaaaaa :)So its my turn in the door and that fear of the door is pretty well gone and i get into my tuck and check in check out and arch ahh my perfect out the arch is right there (dave got it on one the tandems video's ) anyway we kinda spin a little coming down the hill and then lvl out and do my practice touchs i keep getting Mikes hand DAMNIT MOVE YOUR HAND ITS IN THE WAY!!!!!! >:(. Ok i get those out the way and i am arching like mofo and then Dwayn lets go and i see the left turn signal. Oh shit he let go!!! i get really tense and my fall rate changes but i do the turn anyway. The turn goes fine and i lock on Dwayn for any signals he gives me the right turn signal, ok cool i geuss my arch is fine. Well i try to do the right turn but its really hard i can't freaking get it to work!!! but it slowly comes around and Dwayn gives me the check alti (i need to work on that!!!) ok we got plenty of time so he gives the left turn once again it goes fine but i check my alti this time :)This takes awhile b/c i am going into the wind but i finally get to the end of the runway at 2k cool lets have some fun now i do about three spirals and then the leg straps make it really uncomfortable so i come out of it and start my down wind i am freacking moving and the wind is really tossing my manta 288 around so i have to keep making corrections which kinda messes up my cross wind leg so i just skip it and go straight to my final leg. The wind is still knocking me around a little but not as bad and i am able to keep my line. 200 feet and looking good i see dave down there getting ready to catch the tandem that is behind me so i kinda go to the right a little to stay out of his way and his shot. So i get out of Daves way and here comes the ground not yet not yet.....flare!! and another stand up for me :) but i didn't throw my helmet on the ground ;) I daisy chained my stuff as Dwayn and Mike came over and we talked about my dive. they basiclly said you need to relax and keep a steady fallrate, and that my turns need a little work but thats what LvL 4 is about :). So i drop all my stuff off at Edges loft and take off my smurf suit and Then go back outside and everybody is asking me how i did. Thats so cool to get down and everybody cares about your dive and how you did thats what i love about you guys you will always understand and you will always care about me. :)well i think thats enough for now. lvl 4 story next Sunday night and i am getting video b/c i really wanna know how i fly plus i want my first release on video :)Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Yo Vike,
If you can fly and land as well as you take pics you will be a skygod in no time. j/k but L3 is a graduation of sorts, in that you are freefalling w/o the *training wheels* attached to you. Congrats. It was also probably a wise decision not to indulge in the previous night's celebration with the dot.commies and the 10+ cases of beer.

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Yay for you, Viking, I am so pleased for you, and proud of you! I knew you'd do fine, and you did.
Hey, everyone, Viking takes some intense pix (I'm saying that without seeing if he can make me look good....which is an impossible task...) and should he ever appear over your shoulder at a dropzone, take advantage of that. (Viking, I want one of those sky/cloud photos).
I really want to say thanks for showing up on Saturday - and thanks for not drinking too much (like I did), so you could do your level 3 on Sunday - and pass it (get cleared off radio, fly around the sky, what better can you ask for?)
(And Shark, it was 9 and a 1/2 cases, not 10+; and we got cleaned out!).

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Hey, everyone, Viking takes some intense pix (I'm saying that without seeing if he can make me look good....which is an impossible task...) and should he ever appear over your shoulder at a dropzone, take advantage of that.

ah gee wiz :$
and hey it was my pleasure to be there on sat and you better get down to Otay for my graduation jump!!!!! ;)
i turned in the pics today and will have them back tommorow and will scan them and get up on the board for ya.
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Nice job, A! Can't wait to have you in another botched dz.com record attempt! haha
Seriously, I can't wait to see what you can do when you put together skydiving with your obvious talent for photography.
Another Norman Kent?

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Nice job, A! Can't wait to have you in another botched dz.com record attempt! haha
Seriously, I can't wait to see what you can do when you put together skydiving with your obvious talent for photography.
Another Norman Kent?

Botched? Well, it may not last long, but it is the American record. Not too bad for our first jump together. Our colleagues across the pond may put up another challenge soon. I guess the 4 ways are *it* for now! And if Vike can take pics in the air like he does on the ground he will definitely give Norman/Joe/Mike, etc. some competition.:)

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