
Hey Michele about you pics!!!!

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jesus girl your way to easy to fool hehehe i geuss you didn't notice the ";)" in the middle of the ">:("
sorry i had to do it my sick sense of humor made me do it :)i do have your pics they came out fine and i got this pretty cool pic of you and molly the sun was lighting up both of you guys heads. Looks all holy and stuff :P
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Yeah, we met after I did my 3 solos, I would have stayed to see your graduation jump, but I had to be somewhere else....really! When it comes time to do your first solo jump, try not to fear it, have fun with it, because you only get one "first whatever". And if being the last one out bothers you, try to get on a load with AFF students, they will be the last ones out, not you.

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And I will get you back, just wait...) And yes, I saw the :)I love the sequence! And you can actually tell it's me!!!!!!!! I did it, and here's the pictures!!! I can't wait to send them to my mom. She'll be so excited!
Kimmer had just come off the field (duh - there's the canopy), and had just passed level 7 - she's on her way to graduating this weekend....yay for her.
I'll pm you but I want to order several (o.k., likely all) of the shots, so let's talk.
(And Spectre, "kinda cute" was very generous....;))
ciel bleu-

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what about the other pics you took? i could do without seeing the one you got of me sitting on shark's canopy, but i would love to see everyone else. you said that you were like documenting who was there and i would totally love to see what everyone looks like so the next time we all meet up maybe i will be able to find them, instead of walking right past them. ha!
just wondering

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oh come on carl, you know you can't wait for viking to post those pics he got of the hot, sweaty, dzbone, man-muscle rippling as you packed, cuz you know that the women will come a runnin' when we have the next record attmept.
and they all screamed in unison..."oh carl, yer so dreamy!" *sigh*
sorry, had to be said. hee hee.

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Carl you can't even see the sweet and the one i did of Shark looks badass!!!! its all intense looking and shit.
and westcoastchica i have scanned them yet(will start after i finish typing this) when i scanned the first batch it was about 2 in the morning and my shift of watching my grandpa had just ended so once i finished scanning those you can understand how tired i was.
and Michele you can buy as many as you want and all the pictures in all my albums are for sale aswell :) hey i have to pay off the almost $500 bucks i owe to the DZ for my first two jumps!! :o
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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and here we go these scanned MUCH better than all the rest!!
This is Shark packing his Spectre 190
This is Carl Packing his Cobalt 150
This is The guy that did the load orginizing(sorry i am not good with names :$)
This was the first attempt and then only one that i got pictures of. From the left we have DZBONE,Shark,Whickychick,Gman,????,and ?????
Its not hot out there is it?? ;)
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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These are great! Yea, Shark's packing picture looks really cool. Mine's all like "duh, what is this nylon thing stuck on my hand?"
The group shot is:
Sam Parduhn is in the back.
In the front row is me, Shark, Trina, Mark Brown and the other guy we jumped with that time.
gman was off doing solos at this point, I think.
Keep 'em coming!

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BONE! you weren't supposed to share that with everyone! now what are they going to think of me? besides, i had to do something to get rid of my crack habit...you understand, right?
oh well, the forum opinion of me may not be affected by you letting out my secret breakfast habits, i think i pissed off half the people in here with my chick jokes in another thread. shame on me for being a female with a sense of humor about my own gender!!! down with suffrage!
now if you'll excuse me, i need to go get myself barefoot and pregnant and get in that kitchen and bake carl a pie! hee hee. i am out of control today.

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now if you'll excuse me, i need to go get myself barefoot and pregnant and get in that kitchen and bake carl a pie!

Ahhh, life is good.
Sweetheart, would you like me to pack for you again this weekend? Oh, hey, that looks heavy, let me get that for you.

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I have this mental image of carl reaching down to pick up the phone and doing a bicep curl as he puts it to his ear!
oops, wait till my boyfriend hears i have been baking other men pies all barefoot and sh!t, oh my. mark! keep your mouth shut or there will be shark fin soup for dinner!
HA! this day has lost all legitimacy in my book. nobody warned me that once you started posting in here, your sanity gets flung out the window. oh my.

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