
Skydive University Video

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I'm kind of curious about that video myself. Now that I'm starting to get into coaching and teaching people what to do to move up/down/side slide/swoop/etc. it would be nice to actually have a really good video that showed all the points of doing the motions so I could watch it, digest it, and pass it along. I know how to fly my body, but so much of it is subconscious I don't even think about what I'm doing.

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I think that you will learn something from this video, just off student status. I think that it is a bit pricey at over $1/minute, but at the same time, it is cheaper than 3 jumps, and it will probably help you out enough to increase you skill more than 3 jumps would.
I would probably buy it, if I had the money and was just starting out.
The Dutchboy

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I don't have the video but I do have the book and there is a ton of info in it. It breaks it down into small peices (starting with foreward movement and ending with swooping). If the video is anything like Skydive U's canopy control then you won't get near as much without the book. Also as someone said lots of high jumpers can't really tell you what they do anymore they just do it, so asking them can be frustrating sometimes. I think that if you get the book and go thru the modules with a high jumper ( I said high jumper...heh heh), and meet all the objectives you will be well on your way to doing some RW instead of playing tag in the sky. At least I hope so since thats exactly what I'm doing at this point in time in my career

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The virtual reality they have on the tape does make it easier to grasp each concept that they talk about, and then they show you the same moves with a real person in the air, which is nice. Dollar for dollar though, I probably got more out of the Canopy Control tape.
"Up high, I feel like I'm alive for the very first time"

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"I don't know if they sell the book separatly, you can check with Skydive U. I borrowed mine from someone who had already finished Skydive U
"The book in this case is more like a pamphlet, and is totally worthless without the video. I laughed when I saw it after they talked about the "book" and video combo."
hmmmm my book says Basic body flight, but sounds totally diffrent this is the book used in Skydive U and is over 200 pages. My book also has a ton of exercises that are supposed to be jumped with a skydive U coach. does this sound the same as your book Dutchboy?

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Sounds to me like you might have the Syllabus for the Basic Body flight instead of the one that comes with the video Snowflake. That's more along the lines of what I'm looking for. Well, we do have an actual Skydive U coach at our DZ, so I'll try and get with him and see if he's got a copy of the one you're talking about.

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I have the tape, its instructive although it does not have a huge affect on your skydiving skills (the only thing that does is actually jumping).
Anyway I think a more important video to have is brake away which actually help prepare you for the unexpected malfunctions you will most certainly come about at some point in your skydiving career.
Blue skies and safe landings,
See my photos and video

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I have break away. As for "Body Flight" well, I was looking at it from the point of view of something that
I can use to educate myself on the various maneuvers that are there and the techniques to do them. That way I have something specific to work on when I jump. Do you think it would help to that extent and more importantly does it cover enough skills and maneuvers. Do you have any other recommendation to be able to do the same.

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You are describing a seperate product which I'm not certain is from Skydive U (it may be). I have Basic Body Flight Theory. I had also looked at the book Basic Body Flight which is as you describe, bigger, with drill dives in it that you can work on with a partner. As far as I know, there is no video that goes with that book. I was also having a hard time finding that book. I think they were trying to phase it out so you'd get their expensive coaching instead.
The Dutchboy

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I'm looking at the book and it's basic body flight no theory in the title at all. It's from Skydive U and yes it's what I'm using for my skydive U jumps. I'll ask around and see if I can f more copies if anyone is interested. Dutchboy I wouldn't doubt your discontinuince theory, cause with this book all you need is a good jumper whose willing to help you instead of doing fun stuff. I've looked over the book and really like the way the progression goes (especially after playing tag on my first 4 way, not even 1 point sheesh)

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