
strong g-300

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Well the g-300 and G-3r are the same canopy but for some reason has two designators as best as I can tell. Unfortunately strong doesn't have any information on their site for reserves they aren't currently trying to sell. I guess I have to flat pack this one. thanks for finding that!

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Well the g-300 and G-3r are the same canopy but for some reason has two designators as best as I can tell. Unfortunately strong doesn't have any information on their site for reserves they aren't currently trying to sell. I guess I have to flat pack this one. thanks for finding that!


What forces you to flat pack?
Remember that the CONTAINER manufacturer has the final say in how you flake and fold the reserve canopy.
When the canopy manual and the container manual disagree, pack it according to the container manual.

Most modern container manuals say to PRO pack reserves. PRO packing became the preferred method back when electronic AADs (e.g. Cypres) came into fashion 20 years ago, because PRO packing leaves more room for the AAD's battery box..

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Thanks for that info. I'm not a rigger yet. I've packed plenty under supervision and I'm going through the class at MRVS in January but I still have a lot to learn.

The reason I thought that was because Strong has specific instructions and the H/C manual says "if the manufacturer of the ram-air reserve canopy uses a "conventional packing method..." and "if the manufacturer of the ram-air reserve canopy recommends the pro-pack..."

Based on that it looked like the H/C manual defers to the canopy manufacturer in regards to flaking and folding before inserting it into the free-bag. Since the only packing instructions are to flat pack from the manufacturer of the canopy I took that to mean it must be flat packed to be in compliance with manufacturer instructions. It's good to know I can pro-pack it regardless. I trained to do both but I don't have the floor space to flat pack this huge canopy effectively without going elsewhere.

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