
Congrats Sangiro

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so, what is the rule for dropping jumpers? can you have your regular private pilot and drop jumpers as long as there is no payment?? what's the rules on that?

First off, talk about thread drift!
You can drop jumpers with only a private pilot. In fact, you could drop one jumper with only a rec pilot, if you could find an aircraft that met the restrictions, that was still jumpable. As long as you aren't paid AND nobody is paying for the flight it is legal. You only need approval to install a jump door, or fly a plane without a door. There is no requirement to register a plane as a jump plane.
Mr. CFI (certified fricking idiot)
The Dutchboy

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"talk about thread drift"
Yeah, just look at it- we sure unintentionally hijacked this one! :D
"Even when I can't make it in, I still practice my forms at home."
Hmp. Lucky bastid- I haven't practiced, can't understand why...:D Damn, I was almost done with Jit Kuen, too- and I HAVE (temporarily) forgotten Lin Kuen, and the partner form-
"John is an awesome person."
Yes he is! He's called me several times a week to talk and check up on me; offers every week to scoop me up and take me to the DZ- he should be getting his 100th Sat- he's four jumps away-- :)"I don't understand why you would feel shamed"
Really, Fei-long? You've forgotten, I've already had to re-learn to walk twice after failed reconstructive surgeries on the right leg,and I've already had to lean on too many people; some "close" whuffo family members have been VERY hard at work reminding me of every inconvenience I've put them thru back then and now- you know how a parent can be- and unfortunately I do have several whuffo friends that WILL come over and do the mundane weekly shit that needs to get done like take the crip that can't drive to the grocery store, the doctor, etc. Only one (FiDolla) is kind without reminding me this is all my fault and telling me I'm a (choose expletive) for even THINKING of jumping again. :( Guess since I have no choice but to listen to all the crap, that's why I'm guilt-tripping so much/refusing all the time now about asking for help- tired of hearing all the crap. :( ugh, enough of that shit-
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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"you ppl if i can call u that"
Yeh, those danged skydivers will post crap about planes and stuff-
"thanx for ruining my thread guys :-( :-( "
well, it WAS unintentional, don't make me like it ;)
"i on the other hand never post anything not related to the fourem topic EVER hmmmppfff have some desencsy :-) "
I heartily extend my apologies to Sangiro for 'ruining skyhawk's nice congrats'. And I add my own congrats to Sangiro, as well- this site is great- it's informative on so many parts of our sport, and gives most of us a chance to exchange ideas/friendships/ or just broaden our horizons - I know it will surpass even your expectations! Thanks, Sangiro- you're doing a great job! hawk, some of us DO have some 'desencsy', even if it is misspelled. :D
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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I wouldn't want to offend anyone who has the same nickname as the most popular (and safe) aircraft ever built.
isnt a skyhawk a newzealand plane or somthen ??
'desencsy', even if it is misspelled.
thanx for the appology oh and buy the way i was just cheken if you all could spell good i was honestly :-)
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