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This is concering my post in canopy control section. Yes Im a busy student DURING school. I do not have alot of jumping time when class is in session. I had 8 weeks off and I jumped my ass off. I jump alot in between semesters. I do not appreciate you questioning how many jumps I log. I loged 43 to be exact.
I thought that downsizing would help me go through wind better. I am VERY small/ Im not trying to be a bad ass under a hot rod canopy. There are many days I go to the dz and the winds are high I can not jump. I thought that under a small canopy I would not ever have to worry about that.
The longer you wait ........the more sense you get.

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Lisa can certainly defend herself, but if you just stop and listen for a minute, you'll figure out that many people responding to you really do know what they are talking about.
I'm not a super-experienced jumper. Far from it. But I have the sense to listen up and learn something from those who are....

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I do not appreciate you questioning how many jumps I log
um thats like her job who cares anyways how many jumps you got she was asken to help her answer whatever question you had
I thought that downsizing would help me go through wind better. I am VERY small/ Im not trying to be a bad ass under a hot rod canopy. There are many days I go to the dz and the winds are high I can not jump. I thought that under a small canopy I would not ever have to worry about that.
i was like that under the student canopy i dont know what your question was but if you are still flying a student canopy i wouldnt be downsizing if you are taking alot of time off. i was going to downsize from my 150 to a 120/135 but due to time and moneyi havnt been able to jump since october so thats not even in consideration anymore
with the wind thing one of my mates told me
better to be on the ground wishing you had jumped then in the air wishing you hadnt

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I think you'll find the opposite is true. Being a qualified Senior Rigger under the Venetian Parachute Association (a parachuting association for people with focal difficulties) I always recommend that my lighter students go for larger canopies, preferably a para glider. You need to initiate deployment much higher but you will get added stability in higher winds. I recommend practising reserve drills before every dive (as I'm sure you do already).

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I remember at our DZ we had a couple of small women who had just graduated. When they bought their first gear they all bought huge 200' canopies because they were told to "be conservative".
But there is such a thing as going too far in terms of getting a big first canopy. These women tended to float like a milkweed seed under these huge canopies, & backed up in any wind over 5 mph (hardly "high winds" where you would normally feel inclined to sit it out) .
Speed Racer
"My God! It's full of stars!"

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Is this going to degenerate into "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!" ???
Oh, it is? Goody...
Freebird, take a bit of time to read the manufacturers websites, ask other people on your dropzone(s) and carefully consider what you are proposing to do. We don't want to see you on the next injury/fatality list.

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youre jumping a 135~or at least you were~ now you mention you have to jump a 150 (demo gear, i totally understand. you jump whats available)
downsizing a little might help. note the might.
jumping a colbalt or something elliptical like that b/c you want to be able to jump in windy days?!? Think about it, if all you want to do is be able to have more jumpable days then adding a tiny elliptical canopy to the situation is only trouble. You wont even be able to buy something like that from any respectable dealer, and im pretty sure if you do find a sleazy dealer to buy one from, then the company youre purchasing from would refuse the order when told your jump numbers/experience/currency/mindset.
and dont get upset when folks ask about your experience... or how many jumps you have logged. Their looking out for your safety AND (quite possibly) formulating information so they can decide if they want to jump with you. (would you jump w/ somebody who has shitty gear that prematures all the time? How about somebody known to track off after you at breakoff? i dont think so) they've got to make all the decisions they can so that they can make this the safest skydive for themselves.
if you did get a tiny elliptical i wouldnt jump at the dropzone youre jumping at! Not unless the dz is going to pay me for scraping your ass up. I do the volly EMS thing, dont do the "jumper making a huge mistake, i think ill go out to the dz so i can be traumatized by seeing a fellow skydiver splattered all over the ground while i work my ass off to try to save their life" thing.
(im getting sick of your attitude. Shit like that will kill yourself. Do the rest of us a favor and save us some USPA $ that would otherwise be spent on improving our sport.. Dont jump some tiny shit that you cant handle in all conditions. Cause then theirs the investigation, the dealings with the FAA, the bad plublicity etc etc. We dont need that.)
for anyone thinking im being mean, go check out the Swooping forum. you might get my point then.
http://kel197.tripod.com/skydivefriendsTRIPOD/html Updated!!

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