
60 degrees in Jan.!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow. It was almost 60 here in western NY today....
and sunny!!!! B| Theres usually several feet of snow on the ground this time of year...this has been the mildest winter I have ever seen. Must be when I moved up from Daytona Beach I brought it with me, lol. Anyways....there were actually a couple small DZ's operating today- but unfortunately I couldnt jump (I did get to fly though)... HELLLLLP, I'm getting spring fever and its only February!!! ;)

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I hear you. We had a beautiful weekend here in Michigan. High-50's, blue skies, winds at 8-12. Perfect dropzone weather. Unfortunately, I'm going on a trip to AZ next week and saving my money to skydive there, so I couldn't justify spending cash to go out of a 182.
But I'm definately getting spring fever. We've had the mildest winter I can remember, with plenty of snow to give us a white christmas, and another week of snow in early january, and after both it had all melted away.
It's very strange.

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HAHAHA, I'm not going to mention the high of 74 that we had in Texas today, nor the perfect blue skies with a bit of cloud for good measure that we had. Oh and how the winds were tame...no, that would be mean...
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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It was in the 80s at Sebastian on Saturday for the FSL meet. Funny, it was, to be sweating in January. At least funny to a northerner. It was even warm in the tunnel @ night, tank top and shorts under the suit and still hot. YIPPPPEE!!!

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nice to meet you too.. i was a little distracted that day. someone i know signed us up for the advanced division of hte meet and i had no idea what i was doing. won't mention any names. i did kick him in the head in the tunnel though to make up for it. (i doubt that excuse will work)
were you there when i fell in the hole out in the landing area? such my luck, i finally stank up a landing and then step right in the ONLY hole on the field @ the DZ. fell over. i give up.

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I'm not going to mention the high of 74 that we had in Texas today

What was that one thing you posted a while back?
"You know you're a Texan when...
you switch between the air conditioner and heater several times in the same day."
I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks!
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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Yeah, crazy huh? Atleast you don't get bored...The worst is getting up for PT in the morning and it's in the low 30s and by the time that I go to my second class its already in the 60s...that crazy stuff always seems to get me sick.
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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or I might show up at a dropzone near you, lol!!!!!

Run Away! Run Away!
Actually, come on down to Waller or Spaceland, it'd be fun! Let us know waaay in advanced, though, since I'd have to try to sign out of all kinds of crazy Cadet stuff (most of the rest of the weekends for the semester have manditory crap sheduled).
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.-General George Patton-

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Seriously though...I'd love to try to make it down there sometime. Wouldnt be this semester though- travel schedule is full....gonna try to hit X-Keys sometime soon, doing some skiing in VT in March, and maybe even take a quick trip back to DeLand to see all my friends that I left without saying goodbye to. But sometime I definitely gotta see if TX is everything its made out to be!! :)

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