
Reserve Repacks

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Hey everyone, thank you for all of your helpful views on "reserve repacking" and "tips". I'm thinking that I may go back, and "take care" of the one who had packed my reserve on my last reserve pack. See, I haven't met too many riggers (that I know of), so I rely on those that are a part of/or once where a part of Square One. So it's not always the same person who repacks my reserve.
Anyway, ty all once again. See ya all around!

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AHHH.... don't do that unless you used it. Only tip after the service is rendered..
I pack the reserve the same way and withthe same care if I'm doing it for $100 or for free. I refuse to bump things along to get more money. If you offered me $100 to get you repacked in the next hour but there are other rigs there.... I'm not going to take your rig since the other people were there first.
ONLY tip your rigger if you liked the way your reserve opened... ;) In the case that it was a good canopy, getthem a bottle of thier choice and laugh about it. Otherwise just pay them their fee. Do you tip the toll-booths if they open the arm? Nope... you pay the fee for the service rendered, Same with riggers...
Cause I don't wanna come back down from this cloud... ~ Bush

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