
Funny skydiving thought of the day

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I have been trying to convince myself to by a new helmet for the past two years. But I can't. The Protec Halfie (?) is the most comfortable helmet I have ever worn, and unlike most other helmets actually provides a reasonable amount of protection. Hopefully, in the future, Protecs will be "in" so I can look cool; maybe some kind of "retro" phenomenon. Until then, I'll be a comfy geek.
Oh yeah, I don't have to worry about my hair going through the holes. I don't have any hair! :)

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"Protecs will be "in" so I can look cool; maybe some kind of "retro" phenomenon. Until then, I'll be a comfy geek"
Let me tell you about the time I had to PLF when landing on the tarmac...I had a Protec on and I still walk away with a massive headack from boncing my skull on the pavement. And I have thick head, just ask my wife. I can only emagine the damage that could have been done had I not had it on.
Remember the one time you do need it could be the last time you need it if your not wearing it.


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