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Coming to work this morning I saw alot of cars with their headlights on. Paying their respects to the people that died, was injured or lost loved ones in the terrorist attack a year ago.

As I sat at my desk, I could recall every scene of the planes flying into the Towers, the smoke, the screams and finally everthing collapsing. I remembered sitting in front of the TV that day, crying.
Crying for the families losing a loved one, rescue workers dying to save others. I was miles away, but still could feel the shock and horror.

Today I pay my respects to everyone who died, lost a loved one or survived.

I wasn't touch personally (family or friends wise), but I'll never forget 11.09.01.

Gene Police: "YOU!! Out of the pool, NOW!!!"

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I wasn't touch personally (family or friends wise), but I'll never forget 11.09.01.

Yes you were.

FDNY has lost 700+ personnell in the years that it has been a Dept. On 09-11-01 it lost 343 men and women in 28 minutes. Thank you my fellow brothers and sisters for your service. You will not be forgotton.

Thank a FF or a Police Officer on 09-11-01 for what they do. It means more than you think.

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They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Lawrence Binyon, 'For the Fallen'

I drive past a fire station on the way to work every morning. They have their flags at half mast today.

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I remember i was watching tv that night doing homework and then the news update came on....it was sereal and so hard to beleive. I don't think i even went to bed that night. My heart goes out to anyone that lost someone in the september 11 attacks.

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Yes, Jose, acctually I am being affected right now due to the attacks on the Towers.:(

As a direct result our dz might have to close down due to insurances that has gone skyhigh since the attacks. Insurances has gone up 200%.:(

I might lose my home...

Gene Police: "YOU!! Out of the pool, NOW!!!"

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I'm a long, long way away in Melbourne Oz.

Around about this time last year I was just finishing a last cup of tea before going to bed when I heard on the radio that a 'plane had hit the WTC. Shit ! I though - some careless idiot has made a real mess of a sight-seeing flight. Y'see I assumed it was a Cessna or something small. Of course I had to go and turn on the TV. I was more than horrified at what I saw. Much more than horrified. And bemused. Why should anyone do such a thing ? I stayed up 'til dawn transfixed by the CNN coverage and went off to work the next day in some sort of trance. Very little work was done by anyone there that day.

Right now I'm listening to the radio (it's going out on Radio Aust as well) having a cup of tea but I'm not thinking of going to bed. Rather I'm thinking about how each and every one of us has been affected. Not by the material things like insurance premiums rising to dizzying heights. Not by what has happened to the value of the financial market. Not even about the thousands of deaths - may each and every one of them, rest in peace. I'm thinking of what that single episode has done to the social fabric of mankind. We should all be mourning our loss.

My heartfelt sympathy to all who were and are more closely affected than I.

Mark F...

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Here in NJ we are so close to downtown NYC that we could smell the smoke. I knew many in the WTC, but luckily they all made it out. Too many were not so fortunate. I wish peace & comfort to all those who lost a loved one. And also to evryone--we were all touched by the tragedy.
"What I want is what I've not got ,but what I need is all around me"-DMB

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I can replay September 11, 2001 so clearly in my mind---where I was sitting, what I was doing at work, the look on my coworkers face when he came to work that morning, looked at me, and said "Two planes crashed into the World Trade Center within minutes of each other this morning". I spent the entire day at work on e-mail and the phone trying to locate the many friends I have living in NYC. I was fortunate to learn everyone was safe. I will never forget what happened that day, how many lives were taken senselessly, and how many people were forever changed. Peace.

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This day is particularly vivid in my mind. I had just dropped off my wife of 1 month, Patricia, at O'Hare for a trip out east. I got home and turned on the TV about 10 minutes after the first plane hit. It seemed so unreal and distant, it saddened and angered me, but didn't effect me directly. It seemed like a movie, then the second plane. Now it became fear, it just became personal. Was my wife in the air? I'm fearing the worst, when the phone rings. It's Pat, they're in the plane on the taxiway next to go. People on the plane are getting calls with news of what's happening and panic is starting to spread, the pilot is announcing to get ready for takeoff. She hangs up.
Word is spreading of the Pentagon and that a highjacked jet is heading to Chicago. Pat calls me back very scared, there was a near mutiny on the plane as people tried to stop the plane. People were looking at each other wondering if a terrorist was among them. Just as the engines were spooling up, word came from the tower of the FAA shutdown.
They are now sitting on a taxiway jam packed with planes. Everyone wanted off that plane now. Thankfully the flight attendants were nice enough to break out the drink carts. The bottom bin of tiny bottles was quickly emptied.
Pat's cell phone battery is dying. Word now on the news that O'Hare is closed. Nobody in or out. I decide I have to get out there and try finding her. I was fearing gridlock on the highways, but it was strangely quiet. As I neared O'hare, I saw a bizarre sight. Not a plane in the sky. Growing up here, I always loved driving by O'hare, seeing the dozens of planes lined up to land, with a staircase of landing lights stretching to the horizon. Now there is nothing. A sea of planes on the ground lined the runway.
I can't get into the terminal, so I circle around trying to figure out a way to find Pat. She's not answering her phone. Finally she calls me. She and another passenger got a cab out of the airport and we met up on the side of the road. We hug, kiss, and cry, then drive home and crawl into bed.
The rest of the day was spent in shock of it all.

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To our friends outside the U.S.

Thanks for your kind words. Although I live in Massachusetts now, I grew up in NY. All my life, the twin towers were a part of the NYC landscape. I couldn't tell you how many times I have been in those buildings and eaten in Windows on the World. I feel safe in saying that you folks do share in our tragedy. This was a heinous crime against humanity. I don't care what country or state you live in, we should all be united. Good unites, evil seperates.

Thanks again folks in Africa, England, Germany, Australia, Germany, Finland and the rest of the world.:)


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As a direct result our dz might have to close down due to insurances that has gone skyhigh since the attacks. Insurances has gone up 200%.

I might lose my home...

I apologise. My post now sounds lame to even me.

Last night they had a special on Tv about 9/11.

Two French brothers were making a documentary about a rookie firefighter becoming a real firefighter. They were the first in Tower 1 and all was captured on film.
I will never in my life forget that crushing sound as people that had jumped from windows hit the ground. The look on the firefighters' faces as they realised what had made that sound, and the astonishment on everybody's face.

It took me about half an hour to write this post, because I'm still speechless. I'm shocked to the core of my sole.

I never knew, I never imagined...:(

May everyone that has been touched by this be blessed.

Gene Police: "YOU!! Out of the pool, NOW!!!"

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