
Skydiving after Hernia Surgery

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Hi all,
O it has been a beautiful weekend and I am sitting here all laid up. Wondering if anyone knows how long it takes to get back into skydiving condition from a hernia operation. I am hoping it isn't as long as I think it is going to be.
Any experience would be beneficial to my pissed off mood :)
Hope everyone had blue skies.
Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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Aww! I hope you heal quickly and return to the skies safely.

I have to go see a doc sometime this next week about my knee. I'm really hopin its something minor that can be fixed w/o surgery or anything intense. I'm sooo afraid the doc will want me to stop jumping (especially after I kinda hurt it further yesterday after jumping and landing hard.):([:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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True. But we shouldnt do anything stupid.(like I did yesterday) This knee has bothered me for several weeks, but I though it was feeling ok enough to jump yesterday. I sat around the DZ for several hours debating or if I should jump on it or not. In the end I though it felt ok and decided to jump on it. I tried to be careful about it...(1)wore a brace on under my jeans and jumpsuit, (2)massaged it and kept moving it around trying to work some of the soreness out,(3) jumped a 240 instead of the 200 I've been jumping(b/c of the lack of winds) and(4) I was very conscious about that knee when I ended up needing to PLF on my crappy(hard) landing. I was hurtin so bad after that jump that, after hobbling over to where they picked me up,then riding back to the hanger, my DZO and another jumper had to help me standup and help me take my rig off/gather the canopy up to put it in the packing area.All I could do was just sit there, cry and feel like shit. My DZO tried to talk to me about the dive so as to get my mind off my knee and offered to take me to get my knee checked out. The girls in manifest were tryin to offer me all sorts of tylenol, asprin, ect. I just ended up sittin there upset with myself for bein stupid and ruining what could have been a good jump. I'm really thankful for having a dz where the people are so friendly and helpful.

Now I think I shoulda just stayed on the ground.:([:/]

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I was off for, let me see, about a month and a half - pretty much as soon as the tissue had a chance to fully knit around the incision. The really frustrating part was that I felt great after week!
Interestingly enough, my surgeon was pretty cool about skydiving - unlike many other healthcare professionals, who tend to freak out at the mention of the sport.
Blue skies! - patkat
gotta exercise my demons!

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