
Stiletto Opening

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I discovered today why the hell everyone tells you to be cautious of body position on high performance canopy openings :$ I was geeking the camera on a 4-way, freeflying in the background, before a planned high deployment. I noticed the cameraman started going high to get the right angle so I wanted to deploy before I got out of frame. I just threw out without really being stable belly to earth. It was naaaasty! The video shows me being thrown around like a rag doll and now I have a big bruise/cut on the side of my head from my three rings. I got it untwisted before it really got a chance to get spinning, even though a toggle came unstowed. So, I learned this lesson the hard way, no pun intended :)
-So, how hard is the ground?!

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next time you'll listen to the people who say things like this;)

but don't feel bad, i learned the hard way also under my fx, kinda the same thing, just for the camera, i pulled while i had one leg straight down, and the next thing i know after i let my pc go, i was under canopy. i think i had a shoulder low or something.

hope your bruises heal soon.:S


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that's gotta hurt.

ya, it kinda tickled a little[:/]:S

a cut ear from the riser slapping me.

and some nice bruies. and i always thought my dad was crazy about the low shoulder thing until it happened.

oh, and i was looking back in my log book, i was wrong, it happened right before i got my fx, it was under a heatwave 100.


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Ouch! Sounds like you need to get two things:

1. Arnica gel for the bruising. They also come in tablet form, but I think that the gel is better. It works like a charm!
2. Tiger Balm to be massaged on your neck and shoulders. I'm sure your muscles are going to be really sore tomorrow.

These are two things that I always try to keep in my gear bag. Heal up quickly.

x's and o's,

Hol :)
When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

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Ouch! Sounds like you need to get two things:

1. Arnica gel for the bruising. They also come in tablet form, but I think that the gel is better. It works like a charm!
2. Tiger Balm to be massaged on your neck and shoulders. I'm sure your muscles are going to be really sore tomorrow.

Wear a helmet and you won't have those problems....;)

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