
raelians(" they came from the sky and created us"?)

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A long time ago no one believed the earth was round and they were considered evil if they believed anything like that..

We should be open minded to this theory.
We are still thinking like creatures of the earth and our current level of thinking is not advanced as we may think .

We can not think we are the only ones and that we are the most advanced in the universe.:)

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I believed this long before I knew there was a raelian group . Its only confirming my thoughts.

Do you have any facts to support this theory, or do you just believe it because you can?

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Does evolution make sense to you? If no, why not? If yes, what about the raelian doctrine makes more sense than evolution?

Edited to add:


I believe it because it makes since to me.

Are you sure that it's a question of it making sense to you? I do admit that it's sort of a grey area, it's not as clear as 2+2, but there are a lot of arguments supporting evolution.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
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>They must be on some good drugs to beleive that!!!!

Not sure about that. There are plenty of people who believe equally silly things about religion i.e. that god really submerged the entire planet because people were bad, and all current land based life on earth was preserved on an ark.

In any case, there is at least a good possibility that life didn't start here, that it came to early earth on a meteor from mars, venus or some other nearby planet where conditions were better for development of the first basic lifeforms. Even today we find evidence of life in meteors from other planets. Not as bizarre as the Raelian beliefs, perhaps, but an extraterrestrial origin of life on earth isn't out of the question.

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Im only just understanding their Raliean theory) like I said I believed God was an alien and Jesus long before I knew about the realins. When I heard of them and what they believe I said wow! a whole group of people believe this too!

I can not explain everything. I mostly agree with the theory that God is an alien and that a alien slept with Mary and Jesus was born to teach us.
(harsh summary):|
As for evloution I do have trouble believeing it did not happen and that the aliens created ever animal, that is a bit much.

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So your belief incorporates evolution, God and aliens. 3 entities, any one of which is sufficient. Occams Razor...

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Remember the Mars meteor that had traces of bacteria in it? The atmosphere on Mars is similar to Earth but saturated in CO2 I think. Plus, Mars even has canyons that look a lot like dried up river beds, implying water. Or the moon Europa. If a meteor brought life here (I think I read somewhere that organic compounds could form on meteors/comets in flight), could it have "inseminated" Mars and Europa too?

That could make a colourful cult.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
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If you perceived me as hostile, I apologize, it was not my intention. Just trying to point out my observations.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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So your belief incorporates evolution, God and aliens. 3 entities


It still comes down to two: creation or evolution. Even if you believe aliens seeded the earth, the aliens had a beginning. Where did they come from? How did it all start? One or the other.

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Where did they come from? How did it all start? One or the other. ***
well, maybe they know that. In time we will discover this. I think that evolution happened but also that it is possible that aliens may have come here thousands of years ago and people told the stories( like the bible or other religious theories) as best they could at their current state of reasoning back then.
The Bible mentions in the sky or in the heavens many times. the light that moses saw may have been a light from a space ship. Makes more since that a fire that just appears. ( to someone back then on this planet);)

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Well, these are all beliefs in reality. God is definitely a belief, so is evolution, and so are aliens (at least at this point in time). Your thoughts seem far fetched to me, but that is just me, who am I to tell you they are wrong? The Raeliens, on the other hand, are a cult. My opinion is that they are taking the concept of belief too far. But you are not advocating their dogma, so you will hear nothing from me there.


-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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question freebird,, if the raelians left us here,, they must not have liked us much,, if they had the means to travel here to earth, they must have been far more advanced than we are now. why wouldnt they have left us with some technology? at least some of those cool chemical hand warmer packs.
id like to be open minded about this but i dont think they would drop us off as cavemen.

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