
Quit smoking for New Year's Resolution?

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In my opinion, skydiving on Zyban is not unsafe.

Not saying that this would be the case for all, but I really just didn't feel like myself when I used it to try to quit last year. I felt sketchy and spaced out all of the time, and personally, I wouldn't jump on it. But drugs affect different people in different ways
I got nuthin

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Zyban is safe to skydive on.
the seizures and anxiety are if your dose is over 450mg per day. the normal dose for wellbutrin, zban, bupropion hcl, whatever you feel like calling it , is only 350mg per day well below the seizure and major side effects doses. If your not comfortable jumping on it then don't.
I didn't like the sketchy feeling and the spaced out. but it worked and I'm happy.
drugs do effect everyone different so check with your doc if any questions or paranoia. you know how they like to sell fear, and worse case senarios.
but use your judgment.

have fun

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I "was" smoking for 10yrs and I thought it would be the hardest thing to quite in the world. On Dec 21 2003 I decided I had enough. I quite cold turkey and not even sneaked a drag. I did cut down to 2 or 3 a day before I made up my mind to quite and to tell you the truth it wasn't that hard. I must admit I am very stubborn which probably helped, but i got into making hemp necklaces to keep my hands busy. I do have my moments when I shouldn't be around anyone, but I just remind myself that its just that sick, nasty, Smelly habbit creeping up and it goes away. Another thing that helped me was just taking a big breath of air, like a drag, thats when I was at the night club. Best just to stay away for a while. Hope this helps some of you cause it worked for me. Still going strong! Once you are a non smoker you realise how bad it really smells, and everything tastes better! Good luck to ya all !!!

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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I had been a smoker for about 9 years now. I was smoking at least a pack and a half a day, when I decided enough was enough and I need to quit. I thought of all the bad stuff about smoking and then thought of all the money I would be saving if I did quit. I also before I quit smoking decided that if I did quit smoking that the money would go to something and I had a picture of it so I could look at it every time I wanted a smoke. My last smoke was last Thursday at 8 am and I haven't smoke one since then. I would say the hardest part about not smoking was the first day. Just do it! Get past the first day. Once you are past the first day it gets a lot easer. Every time I craved a smoke I just said to my self no, I don't want to start all over again. You just need to realize that you can't have a smoke in the middle of trying to quit. If you do you have to start all over again. Why torture yourself, just quit and don't pick up that cig. If you do smoke, just release that you need to start all over again and just do it. You will feel so much better.
I feel so much better now. I sleep better, breath better, smell better, taste better; everything is better now that I quit smoking.
Well I am having one problem. My favorite drink Dr Pepper doesn’t taste good anymore. It is way to sweet. Well I guess I will have to quit drinking soda's too. I do have to say I drink way too many of them in one day and not enough water in a day so maybe this will be another good thing about quitting smoking.
Good luck to all who is trying to quit. I know it has only been a few days for me (4 and counting), but I do have to say it feels so much better to not be smoking now. It is all up in your head. If you want to quit you can do it. Just quit and don't smoke.
I hope this will help anyone who is thinking or trying to quit smoking. It is the best thing I have done.

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Okay people, let's have a status report...Of those 8 who quit (7 besides myself) Who's stuck with it so far? I'm happy to say it's been 9 days since my last smoke, sounds like Diva is still off of them. Who else???
I got nuthin

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I didn't smoke at all until last night when I went to a party with a friend... but none since then. I think I'm going to just end up being a party puffer.

At least it's better than before... and someday soon I won't even want to smoke at parties.

-Things that make you go hmmm

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Went to a dinner party tonight, everyone smoked. That was hard. Harder still was trying to avoid desert and all the little treats the French like to leave out after dinner.... On top of that, I was trying not to drink any alcohol for the rest of the month. Lost that battle. 2 out of 3. Taking a shot of nyquil and going to bed. I feel pretty good about 2 out of 3. G'night!


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