
Do you know this movie?

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It has a time travel theme, most of it takes place in medieval times, I remember a castle, I think. In one scene somebody has hidden a Playboy from the future in a hay wagon and the wagon gets shot with a laser and starts on fire. Does this sound at all familiar to anybody? Sorry, that's ALL I remember from the movie, but I keep remembering that one scene and I'm dying to know what it's from. Just one of the annoying nagging thoughts that won't go away. HELP!

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Okay, smartass!!! I know it was a little vague, but how many movies have a hay wagon lit on fire with a laser? And of those, how many have a Playboy in them? Huh? HUHHH??? I THOUGHT so!! :P

What kind of weed were you smoking?, maybe you were just watching the Discovery Channel :D
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Was it one of the Monty Python movies? I don't really remember any of them too much but it sounds like something out of one of those movies.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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I was a kid when I saw it, I probably didn't even know what weed was! I clearly remember one part where there is a battle of some sort going on, and a laser blast lights up a hay wagon. This one dude from the past (the "current" time in the movie) got a Playboy from one of the "future" guys and has hidden it in said hay wagon, and gets frantic when the hay starts on fire and is about to burn his mag. I'm NOT on crack! I remember it, surely somebody else has seen it????

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A WAG, but could it have been Time Bandits? I believe John Cleese was involved as well as some "short dudes".

Now you've got me thiking, becaue it certainly wasn't Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

("Take them to the Iron Maiden"... "All right DUDE")


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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