
Pictures Say 1000 Words!

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Ahhhhh!!! It feels SOOOO GOOOD! LOL, finally did 4 jumps today ... after an agonizing month and lots of cold, I made time to go jump finally. {sigh} I love it.

Good on you Tamer! B|;) I told you thats what you needed! :P;)

"How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"

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LOL .. yea, I definately needed to jump. A little more of my time is freeing up, so I'll be able to head out there more again ... not as much as I did the last few months, but it'll still be good:)

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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I just realized that a lot of those other pictures were angels too. I didn't choose that picture because of the fact that it was an angel, but it's still a great bonus:)
As far as the soul-searching goes ... that's a possibility. I have been thinking a lot about my future and how I want to go about getting there. That includes finding out what *I* want and who *I* am.:)

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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Okay, I'm writing about this again ... funny thing happened today. I got a letter in the mail for a scholarship application. It's from a photography company and basically, you had to write an essay describing your favorite photograph (only 250-500 words). I laughed when I saw this, thinking about this post and picture and decided to give it a whirl. Here's what I wrote up, critiques would be nice, as long as it's constructive:)


The Ocean of Life

When I first got the letter in the mail for this scholarship, I thought it was going to be easy. I soon realized that it is very hard for me to choose one single photograph to be named my favorite. There really is no single photograph I can call my favorite, but this one caught my eye. Less than a week before I received this letter, I was bored and scrolling through an old archive of pictures stored on my computer hard drive. As I was quickly viewing the photos in a slide-show, one just hit me … and hit me hard. The picture had no title, but it captured every emotion I was feeling at the time! I was amazed and immediately changed my desktop wallpaper to this.
What is it that caught my eye? I actually wrote down the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this. “Alone, in the great big dark ocean of life ... an angel, perked up on what little support I have in my life ... the silver lining I'm looking for and dreaming about ...” Since that “ocean of life” was the first thing to strike my mind, that is what I titled the photograph. That may not be the most well-written line, but it is, in fact, the exact phrase I had typed up when I first saw it.
The photo captured all of my emotions at the time of viewing. I was in the middle of nowhere of my life, alone. The only thing the angel had was a tiny rock for support. That rock is my best friend, who is like a brother to me and is many miles away. He is still there for me as I am for him. I have been in college for just over three and a half years now, and have acquired many friendships along the way, but recent events in my life allowed me to see that these “friends” of mine were not really as close as I thought them to be. In the photo, I think the angel was in heaven, with her friends, enjoying life. The next thing she knew, she fell from that and ended up alone in the ocean. She still sees all of her friends up there (the bright moon and stars), but knows now that they are distant and not close at all.
I have always believed that there is a silver lining in every dark cloud. The photograph shows this silver lining on the horizon … the future. It is time for me to flap my wings and move on. Fly over this ocean of life and maybe meet that one or two other rare life-long friends. That silver lining is there, and gives me hope.

What do you think? The formatting is a little off from the copy/paste from the document, but you get the idea.

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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I don't know! I've had them stashed on my computer forever and have no clue where I got em from. I have hundreds that I've been looking at and just post the few I find interesting ... like this. This one doesn't do a whole lot for me emotionally, but I like it.

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!


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I loved the first one that you posted origianlly. I actually printed it and hung it up in my cubicle - everyone who has seen it so far loves it too. I just really love angels.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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Awesome! I have to print this one out to send with the application ... I think I'm going to buy some photo paper and print 2 copies so I can have one for myself hung as well. I'm glad you liked!

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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Thanks, Kriss ... all is well! I'm feelin a lot better, it was just a couple days of this ... there's always hope ... like these little flowers. It's a little more morbid than I want, but I like the idea behind it.

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!


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Here's 2 for you people who want to be alone to just think.

Also, a lot of these are better quality (higher resolution) than I'm posting, but had to cut due to picture size limitations on the posting. If you feel like you want the full sized one, I'd be happy to email.

edited to add: oh, and I do have a lot of pictures that are more cheery, lol ... and a lot of scenic ones, I've just been noticing these the last couple of days is all:S

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!



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Oh, I just wanted to show ya what exactly was the requirement for this essay ...


Please attach a copy of this photograph and explain why this photograph is special to you in 250-500 words. This personal statement helps us become more acquainted with you and in ways different from courses, grades, and other objective data. It will demonstate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself.

It sounds a little personal, but I think it goes with what they're asking for.

Trailer 11/12 was the best. Thanks for the memories ... you guys rocked!

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