
Cypres2 Cutter Sheath Crack?

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Has anyone ever seen this?

I needed a reserve repack along with the removal of my C2 for the 4 year and the rigger found this. No bueno. Keep in mind this rig had been jumped 12 times prior to my owning it, in a dry climate, never water landed, always stored hanging on a bar. C2 still diag checks properly on boot.

Any thoughts.

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Model: Expert
Setting: meter / ft
Mfd: 03/08
Ser #: 42386

You are telling me the SN of the unit. The unit and the cutter have different serial numbers.

It doesn't matter. If the unit is from 03/08 the cutter is more likely from 03/08 as well or a bit older.

Airtec changed the length of the ....( I don't even know how they call it ) the black cracked piece, to address this problem. That happened in 2009 if my memory is correct. It really sucks to open your rig and see the cutter broken, but remember, if you can turn the unit on, the cutter would work. Regardless of the damage.
Contact Airtec and they will help you out.
"My belief is that once the doctor whacks you on the butt, all guarantees are off" Jerry Baumchen

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seen it in other brands of rig as well where the cutter sits on top of the PC

Not convinced by the statement 'if you can turn it on it will work' above

with a Cyprs you can remove the cutter after the unit is turned on and there is nothing that shows on the screen to say that continuity of circuit is no longer there.

Consider then (and its a long bow to draw but still) an event in freefall where a jumper with a cracked cutter gets hit on the back by someone, say a freefly jump or someone going low and under a formation (dont say they shouldnt be there...we know that already) and the cutter gets bumped further than it was by the impact so as to break the connection. Unit shows as functioning now on the display but it willnot.

Having had a couple of cutters like this in the last few years that I have seen my only point here is to say... just because it turns on does not mean that it will activate your reserve if you need it to.

ie if in doubt get it changed. I have removed a couple of cutters recently that look like they are starting to crack and have swapped them out in case.
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>> Koppel

I most definitely agree. My statement regarding it turning on and running diagnostics without recourse wasn't a justification to keep flying it, it was more a generalization of observation as I inspected the equipment.

As listed, it is up for its 4 year, so regardless, it is going back to SSK. I was just trying to see if this was an inception of the said problem or a perpetuation of it. I DO, however appreciate your input. It's always good to see others' takes and experiences on matters such as these.

Thank you again.

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Not convinced by the statement 'if you can turn it on it will work' above

with a Cyprs you can remove the cutter after the unit is turned on and there is nothing that shows on the screen to say that continuity of circuit is no longer there.

Consider then (and its a long bow to draw but still) an event in freefall where a jumper with a cracked cutter gets hit on the back by someone, say a freefly jump or someone going low and under a formation (dont say they shouldnt be there...we know that already) and the cutter gets bumped further than it was by the impact so as to break the connection. Unit shows as functioning now on the display but it willnot.

I agree with everything you've said above. I'm aware of the fact that this can happen. The only way you can be sure is to turn off-on your CYPRES before every jump, and still there's a chance that the cutter might break during the mid air impact.

With all that said, I've tested some cutters which were cracked to the same stage, and it still takes some effort to break the cables. I'm not saying that it's OK to pack it like this. NOT AT ALL. Cutter like this should be replaced ASAP.
"My belief is that once the doctor whacks you on the butt, all guarantees are off" Jerry Baumchen

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