
What the hell have I done?

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I've been taking the drug Paxil for awhile for anxiety. It's become so routine that I really don't even think about it. It was get up, take shower, pop pill, eat breakfast, yadda yadda. My routine is now changing quite a bit (quit job, moving across country, etc.) and along with that I figured I really don't need this Paxil shit anymore, so I stopped taking it. That was a couple days ago, and in the time since I started feeling really light headed and was getting these weird ass muscle spasms or something. So of course the thought popped into my head - withdrawal. Nobody ever mentioned JACK SHIT about that, but I just did a Google search. Go ahead, try searching for "paxil withdrawal" and take a look around. As it turns out I'm about to go completely mad. Might as well have been on fucking heroin. Try this one. Click on "voices." In the middle of a major life change, no less. Fucking wonderful.

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Major bummer.

When I was 20 I went to my doctor and told him I was becoming increasingly frustrated with my inability to resolve the simple question of why we are here, what purpose do we serve? After some initial shit of him thinking I was on the make to avoid work I eventually convinced him that I was burning up and he prescribed some shit. I asked if it was addictive and he replied "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it". I replied "no we fucking won't" and threw the scrip in the bin there in his office and walked out.

6 years and a lifetime of Kendo put me back together, but I find it scary how they dish out drugs that potentially address one problem without any apparent concern or need to tell you about other problems they may cause. I trust no-one in a trade I know little about. I love the internet because the knowledge is all out there, you only have to Google something.

Easily said in hindsight. I hope others learn from this. I wish you well and lots of strength through difficult time.
Rich M

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I am really sorry to hear this, I hope you get through this okay. Whenever I am prescribed a pill, I have always done a little research on it. Before the internet, I would look it up in medical drug books. I always wanted to know what the side effects could be and what interactions I might experience. It is amazing how some really simple herbal remedies and foods can interact with some medicines. One of the best books and now on the internet is the Peoples Pharmacy.

Take it easy, relax and try to get through this, it might not be real easy.


Edit: I just looked Paxil up in one of my books and it says: Although this drug has not been shown to be habit forming, long-term studies have not been completed on its addictive potential. Whereas in another book withdrawal symptom are a risk and not to stop taking it without talking to your doctor! So, both books say it isn't habit forming but there are withdrawal symptoms????

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I feel your pain. I started Wellbutrin for ADHD a month ago. When he prescribed it, they said there was a potential for seizures, but only if I was predisposed to them, had a family history, yadda yadda.

In looking around, I found that the problem isnt so much the being on it that is the problem... it can cause seizures. but not as bad as dropping the drug cold turkey. Might have to wean myself off to be safe.

Greeeat. just what I wanted to hear... kinda like taking a racecar out, and when you are in the middle of the track, the guys come over the radio and say" oh, by the way, be careful of the breaks, you could spin out of control, but dont worry-it isnt as bad as when you actually need to use them to come to a complete stop."

god I hate docs.

(and the meds at least take the edge off. I go back monday for a follow up. No cure, but I do feel a little better)
Two wrongs don't make a right, however three lefts DO!

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If you haven't figured it out already, take another paxil. You'll feel better within one hour.
I went thru the same thing after my brother killed himself. Paxil to the rescue, and it helped immensely. Felt better, decided I didn't want to be on drugs anymore, stopped cold turkey.
three days later I was so dizzy and distressed and suicidal that I called the psychiatrist (whom I'd only ever met once) telling him to send an ambulance. He calmly asked me when I quit taking the paxil. gee how'd you know. Told me to take a pill and call him in an hour. One hour and I was all better.
Thing you gotta do is get a pill cutter. Take 3/4 pill for 10 days, half for ten days, 1/4 for ten, then hold your breath and go for it.
It's REALLY wrong that they didn't forwarn us. AND I've seen commercials for Paxil or Zoloft that actually say it's not habit forming! Idiots.
Anyway, sorry you're going thru all that. I hope this helps.


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hey... I'm a pharmaceutical researcher, so for what it's worth... you may know this by now, but you can safely tritrate off of Paxil (decrease the dose) in a manner that minimizes the withdrawal syndrome. You experienced alot of flu-like symptoms it sounds like. Pretty common for all the SSRI's, the general term for the class of antidepressants into which Paxil falls (same for Prozac, Zoloft, Luvox, etc)

I'm assuming you're a guy, hope I'm not wrong. Just be glad you didn't experience the withdrawal symptom that maybe 1 in 10 men get, a numb winkie!!! I used to work w/ a psychiatric nurse whose husband was a bit blue but wouldn't see a shrink (after all, seeing one is not a panacea). So, she stoll Paxil samples, ground them up in his coffee and within a week he came down to breakfast white as a ghost... wifey asked what was wrong, he said his member was numb. So confess she did and the sheeznit hit the fan...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Thing you gotta do is get a pill cutter. Take 3/4 pill for 10 days, half for ten days, 1/4 for ten, then hold your breath and go for it.

That sums up most of what I've recently learned. I still don't like it. I ain't taking one more goddamn molecule of that shit. I'm gonna sit here and drink beer until I pass out. I know how to get rid of hangovers. Any body reading this forum - If you're suffuring from anxiety or depression, get help of course, but DON'T TAKE PAXIL!! I'm shaking like a mofo as I type this. Not cool.

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I don't usually post here, but feel I have to. Do NOT quit taking a long term medication without a doctors supervision, preferably the one who prescribed it. You can get off Paxil with minimal side effects if you follow a wean program that is right for you. Not all wean programs are right for everyone, so CALL your doctor.
For future reference the best thing to do when a doctor hands you a prescription get answers to these questions:
what is it for
what should I expect to happen
what are the common side effects
what side effects should I seek medical care for
how long do I have to take it
how will I be weaned off of it
how often do I need to see the doctor while on this med
are there any blood tests that need to be done while on this med
are there other treatment alternatives besides taking this medication
other questions may arise depending on the answers to the above questions. Be an educated consumer, don't just "do as the doctor orders", make sure you understand the treatment and the hoped for outcome.
Good luck

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Josh... c'mon man, getting blitzed isn't gonna solve the matter, alcohol only masked the withdrawal. And, alcohol has an interaction effect w/ the serotonin activity produced by the Paxil. Like someone else said, Paxil is a long acting drug and it takes awhile to wash out. Staying off of it cold turkey is just going to prolong your misery. It won't kill you or anything, but your withdrawal symptoms are likely to last for some time, especially if you've been on the Paxil for a couple of months or more. Just be wise about it, call your doc and get on a titration schedule. Otherwise you will be miserable and no amount of alcohol is going to help you. It'll just make it worse.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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I'm not saying you're wrong at all. What I will say is that you've never met a more stubborn sumbitch as I am. My prescription bottle is in the dumpster. I have no med. insurance to pay for a new one anyway. I'll deal with it. So far I'm just really lightheaded, shaky, and I can't sleep. And once in a while my legs or arms do weird jerky motions. Nobody ever died from that did they? The real intention of my original post was just "hey, be careful with that shit." I don't take many things in life seriously, but drug withdrawal, as of recently, is one thing that I now know isn't a joke. Even if the drug is "legal."

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I'm assuming your talking about the effect that Paxil and the other SSRI's has on allowing men to last longer in bed. Although it doesn't have an FDA indication for rapid ejaculation, it's often used for that, much to the enjoyment (and sometimes frustration) of their lovers.

For some however, the SSRI's supress libido so far that they just aren't interested at all in sex anymore. Hows that for a treatment for depression??? Take away the blues, but take away the desire for the horizontal mombo??? ####...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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My thinking is....
The reason you should be taking this is if your brain is lacking hormones....
well, when you take that away, your brain says..... "HEY WTF". i mean if you take the blood thinners away from a stroke or heart attack victim their bodys react and will do a similar thing....

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Dont feel too bad Phatcat. Ive been on paxil at one time along with just about every other prescription drug there is for anxiety and such. My shrink told me that its more of a mental state (ie. the side effects and such) however you can make it thru just find something to keep your mind off of it and if that doesnt work seek out a physician and let them know and see if there isnt something else you can take in order to counteract the effects of the paxil.
- GQ

... it was the love of the air and sky and flying, the lure of adventure, the appreciation of beauty ...
-Charles Lindberg

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You are SO right! The neurochemistry of the brain is incredibly complex and vitally important. Drugs like Zoloft (my personally faveB|) and Paxil and Prozac affect serotonin. One psychiatrist I worked with compared serotonin to the oil in your car! If it's low (likely the case in depression), your engine is not working well (excuse the analogy, I know it's overly simplistic).

However, thoughts and emotions and behaviors also have a strong effect on brain chemistry. Skydiving is one of the strongest influencers of this chemistry (like I need to tell YOU all that).

Josh, be well man, careful w/ the sauce. Hope I haven't sounded preachy, haven't meant to. Just don't want people to suffer unecessarily, even stubborn ones like you ;)

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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Sorry you're experiencing the withdrawal. Tis nothing to mess around with. I havent' clicked on your links so i'm not sure what they are, but there is a documented case of a man killing his family while on Paxil. Don't know the exact details, but my point is DON'T fuck around with this shit. Go see a doctor about these withdrawal symptoms. Paxil is not something you can quit cold turkey.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I think you're referring to the guy who tried to mount a "Prozac defense" after killing people while ON the medication. But, there is NO scientific proof whatsoever that this class of antidepressants cause or even contribute to violence. Now, that isn't to say that someone with a propensity to violence won't act out when he is tripping out during SSRI withdrawal, but man, there are countless chemicals that contribute to that. but, point taken. This matter is nuthing to #### around with.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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I think you're referring to the guy who tried to mount a "Prozac defense" after killing people while ON the medication.

Nope. I remember reading that a guy on Paxil killed his family. He didn't need the drugs, he was taking it as a medical study or something. I'll have to see if i can find the article, but it was most definately Paxil.

Edited to add the link and quote.

Ok, after a quick search here is the link along with a copied and pasted paragraph from the page.

*Seroxat is the UK version of Paxil*

Last week a jury in the US ordered GlaxoSmithKline to pay $6.4m (£4.6m) to the family of Donald Schell, 60, who killed his wife, daughter and granddaughter then himself after two days on Seroxat. Two weeks earlier, an Australian judge ruled that another drug in the class, Sertraline, caused David Hawkins to murder his wife and attempt to kill himself.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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thanks for the correction. Definately see if you can find the article, i'd be very interested in seeing it.

my ? is, if he didn't "need" the drug, he shouldn't have been in a clinical trial for it. Unless he participated in one of the earliest trials for the drug, wherein they test the drug on healthy volunteers to see how it affects the body and how the body affects the drug.

hope you find it... let me know, k??

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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