
WHOA! Close one!

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Ok here's the deal. I'm 18, I'm irresponsible and I have an '84 Mustang GT convertible with a throaty V8...I decided to do a few cookies in a few poorly selected interestions at about 10:30 PM. I figure...by the time someone realises I'm there...I'll be gone.

Well there are some QUICK elderly people around here...DAMN! I did a 360 cookie and took off...went to my friends house and was hanging out. A half hour later, two cops show up at my door asking for Ben. Well...I'm Josh..I don't know a Ben, then they ask for the owner of the red Mustang...oh..that's me! So I step outside and talk with a cop not much older than me.

While one cop takes me outside to talk, the other comes inside to quiz my friends that were in the car at the time. I'm freakin' out 'cause I hear him ask them if their parents are home...I'm more afraid of them than I am of going to jail.

Anyway the cop I'm talking to happens to be the same cop that chased my friend and I when we were trespassing on a school roof (in 7th grade)...and the same cop that pulled me over for dead breaklights a couple years ago. But he's still really cool and wasn't too intimidating. He asks me if I knew why he was here...I'm not gonna be stupid, I told him exactly why he was here.

He continues to tell me that "driving like and ass" is a misdemeanor yadda yadda. Believe it or not I DID take this seriously and I don't be doing this again. Anyway their main agenda was to find out if I had been drinking, so he did his little "follow the pen" test and I passes with flying colors. He told me that he would go and talk with the people that called me in to get a little more information and depending on that, he may or may not come back and cite me and/or tow my car. Afterwards I told the officer that when he went to the persons house that reported me, to tell them that I apoligise for what I did and that it wouldn't be happening again. A few minutes later he tells me the chances of my car being towed are next to nill.

Well it is now 2 hours later and they haven't showed up again so I think I'm in the clear! And my friends mom never woke up even when the other officer was quizing my friends...THANK GOD.

Anyway I just thought I would share my story for tonight...and I'm praying that I don't get cited because I'm planning on making several jumps this weekend...I need my money!

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While I'll admit I've never been a police officer, I'd have to say that counts as a highly successful police experience -- they didn't have to bust anyone, and hopefully you'll find somewhere legal to, um, "drive like an ass." Try a motor rally club or a college motor sports club.

You got some good advice.

Take it from a mom:)
Wendy W.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Ah don't worry.

I don't know how it is where you are from, but the most they could do is ticket you for "Driving like an ass"....

And since THEY didn't see it...It would not have held up.

He tried to scare you...and it worked.

The problem is you admitted to it.

I know about Mustangs and V-8's starting trouble.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


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I too know about the mustang V8 trouble. no pics for you cause I am at school now.

I guess you don't need a powerfull car to get yourself in deep though. I was a a cousin's home and we were driving around his feild in some beater cars we had. Mine was a Mazda B2000, his was a Hyundai Excel. He decided he would take his car onto the street at the end of his laneway to see if I would spin the tires on dry pavement. Well it spun the tires believe it or not :oand we weren't the only ones to witness this feat of 4cyl. power.lol. Some cop pulls out of the neighbours driveway and chases my cousin back into the field. Here is the list of fines:
no insurance: $5000
no liscence (my cousin was 15): future liscence suspension plus $250
no plates: $110
Unnecessary noise: $110
Reckless driving: $110
Needless to say, he had to go to court and was only fined $250. He got lucky!

Flying Hellfish #470

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