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I am soooo tempted right now. At my University (which has a med school), they are doing medical testing and you get $700.00. It's small pox medical test where they basically draw blood from you, then give you the vaccine, and draw blood afterward. Then you get another $100 for every person you refer. If I refer a few people, thats like a free canopy.... hmmm... but then again there's the whole small pox thing....

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Don't be a guinea pig dude.

First of all, I would not take a vaccine unless the people giving it have taken it themselves. At least in WA, you get a card stating the date, type of vaccination, and who adminstered. At least ask that for proof.

As carzyIvan said, the vaccine is contagous. But so is my happiness after a skydive - but at least it's harmless:)

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So, it's not really free money...they get to poke and prod you with sharp metal objects, injecting you with who-knows-what, infecting you with what-ever... :|

Where's the Free? :S:P

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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The following opinion is based on my non-existant medical experience. I believe that vaccines are weakened versions of the disease. Then, your body produces antibodies and gains resistance. Many times people walk around feeling lousy and sneezing for 3 days after a vaccine. Don't do them myself. Just my opinion. This is an experiment, right?

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Had to get it as a kid to start school, along with all the other little kids. Nobody gave it a second thought back then.
D28695 PoPs #9237
"Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
— Bruce Landsberg

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You are right about the vaccine being a weakened version of the disease, or something else that can produce the antibodies. I've been vaccinated against a lot of stuff and I've never felt anything afterward. I need to get a lot more info on the experiment, but from what I've heard, they are considering making small pox vaccine's mandatory again and this is a new version of the vaccine that they are testing. They give it to you and then test your blood later to see if you are actually immune.

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