
Are you looney?

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Put simply, you're a nutball. We mean that in a good way, though — nutballs can be tons of fun. Whether it's a physical stunt or an emotional leap, you'll do and try anything at least once. Dancing on the bar (even when you're sober)? Sounds like fun. Telling someone you're in love on the first date? No big whoop, if that's how you feel. Heck, you love doing things other people think are goofy or off-the-wall, and you probably don't give a hoot if they laugh at you — as long as they're laughing, who cares why? Getting a reaction is what it's all about. Your devil-may-care attitude suggests that you have a strong yen for fun and excitement. Just remember to use your common sense and listen to the little voice inside your head (no, not that one) every so often. If you're just known as "that person who does all the loony things," you're likely to end up disappointed when people won't take you seriously in other situations. And while it's fine to feel both positive and negative emotions strongly, you can't let your feelings rule every aspect of your behavior. It's one thing to want to be honest and direct, but trust us, balance and moderation are good things. As long as you temper your no-holds-barred approach to life with occasional periods of sanity — and do your best not to get arrested — it's just fine to be crazy like a fox.

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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I'm a nutball remember, I don't know how to do that

:P Mine --- "To borrow a phrase from Forrest Gump, loony is as loony does. You know how true that is — in fact, you've embraced it.":ph34r:
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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To borrow a phrase from Forrest Gump, loony is as loony does. You know how true that is — in fact, you've embraced it. Because while you certainly have your moments of insanity, you know when to say when. Sure, you get a kick out of occasionally doing and saying things other people think are goofy or off-the-wall — you're a real sucker for being the center of attention now and again — but there are plenty of times when you'd just as soon be calmer and more serious. The same goes for expressing your emotions. No stranger to strong feelings, you choose your battles and control your highs and lows, saving your emotional outbursts for when you need them most. After all, fun and craziness are all well and good, in the right time and place, but balancing your "up" and "down" times earns you more respect in the long run. Not nearly as nutty as a fruitcake — but maybe giving Pralines 'n' Cream a run for its money — you're the perfect mix of impulse and restraint;)

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Are You Loony?

If you were any nuttier, you'd be in the peanut butter aisle! When it comes to wild, hilarious behavior and crazy stunts, you're as loony as they come.

if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
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Well, this is what I got


You're as crazy as you wanna be. Loony one moment, sane the next, you can adjust your nuttiness level at any time. Find out what your looniness level says about you

I'm Crazy...and proud of it. B|
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Well, this is what I got


You're as crazy as you wanna be. Loony one moment, sane the next, you can adjust your nuttiness level at any time. Find out what your looniness level says about you

I'm Crazy...and proud of it. B|

Right there with ya! ;)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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