
Vibes, please

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{{{{{{VIBES}}}}}} and many hugs to you and your dad. He's a sweetie, and I enjoyed meeting him. Please let him know he's in my prayers.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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My father was admitted to the hospital Sunday evening with chest pains and "heaviness" but didn't tell me because he didn't want me to worry. He was released this afternoon (which is when he told me....).

He was put through a bunch of tests, and the immediate result is that his heart is fine, but they are watching him because chest pains are not normal and they are not sure what's going on. He is not on any meds yet, but has been warned to slow down (which is rough for him...in the last 90 days, he's done 1 commercial, one PSA, 3 plays, and a movie, with several "public appearances" in there...).

Please send some vibes his way, o.k.? I'd appreciate it greatly. And while he is not "worried", I really am.



I had something similar happen to me in the way of "heaviness" in the chest and tightening of the chest. This was while I lived in Houston, I immediately stopped at a convienience store and had them call 911. The firemen came and I told them I thought I was having a heart attack, they denied that that was happening and said heart beat and pulse were just fine. They then gave me a an oxygen mask and after two breaths the chest pain went away.

They told me this was an anxiety attack and was casued by too much CO2 in the lungs. Working out, getting in shape, losing weight solved the problem and it did not occur again. This is what may be happening to your father, its easy to mistake an anxiety attack for a heart attack. When I went to get a complete checkup, they found absolutely nothing wrong with me, and told me the problem may have been stress.

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Working out, getting in shape, losing weight solved the problem and it did not occur again.

Hi, Jumprunner...

Lessee...Dad is 80 1/2, walks about 10 miles a week, works long and hard hours when he works, and loves to party when he can. He is 5'11, and about 185 (carries an "old man paunch", calls it his beer belly but wonders why it's there since he doesn't drink beer).


I called his Dr today, because his dr is a family friend and I whined at the Dr. that Dad didn't call me, and tells me there's nothing to be worried about. The Dr. put Dad on the phone, and then I got back on, and Dr. told me he thinks it's partly related to the broken ribs from about a month ago...at his age, the bones are not healing as rapidly as they would for you or I, and Dr thinks that the lengthy pain medication usage *may* have contributed to a slower, lighter heartbeat and high blood pressure. According to the tests, while Dad's heart is fundamentally fine, there is a lower O2 level then Dr. would like, so they are considering doing (I don't remember the name) a procedure where they shoot irradiated (???) stuff into his veins to look for blockages. Also, they've switched the pain stuff to a lighter thing, so Dad isn't so stoned.

Chuck, he is a tough ol' coot - fought in Burma/China in WW2, and has battled cancer for the last 25ish years...

I will pass on all the wishes from you guys. I'm just not done being his daughter yet, you know? Dunno if I ever will be....

Thanks for the vibes you guys....(and JT, those were the heavy duty ones, weren't they?)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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