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I have been talking to a few boxing clubs, because I am looking for a new cool way of working out. Has anyone tried boxing? I am not into the actual fighting part, I just want something that will help me work up a good sweat, and where I can take out all of my frustrations.

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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Boxing had to be the most physicaly demanding form of exercise I've ever been involved with. If you're thinking about giving it a try, start running now- you'll need it to even get going as a recreational boxer. Otherwise you'll be sucking wind after only one or two minutes. Get with a trainer for a few sessions and design a beginner training program rather than try it alone.

Personally, I can't recommend it enough. The physical benefits are absolutely amazing. The fat gets stripped off your body while conditioning, speed, strength and agility go right through the roof. Once you've gotten in shape it'll become one of the most fun exercises you've ever been involved with.

Don't write off the fighting part, either. That's the icing on the cake. Just make sure you're in shape before you step in the sparing ring. Having two out-of-shape unskilled people in the ring isn't a sparing session- it's a brawl.

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I've been boxing for 2.5 years now ever since my first "ranch fight night". There is no other workout IF you try hard. If you are looking for an easier way to work out and get results then boxing is not it. If you want to push yourself and work hard at it you will never ever give it up. The only thing that could build more stamina, maybe, is hockey. Try to hook up with a good trainer and see if you like it. Its definetly awesome.

--"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!"
Mike Rome

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I totally agree with dbattman. I don't seriously train or anything, but I just bought a 80-lb heavy bag last week. It is such a satisfying way to work out.
Nothing like it. I love how it tones my arms and back especially. Nothing like a strong woman!

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If you aren't into the fighting part I'd try cardio-kickboxing or something of the sort. Boxing IS fun and will definitely get you in shape, however. The training is extremely multifaceted. I used to LOVE bag-work, especially the heavy bag.

What sorts of exercise have you done before?

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I used to take kickboxing, but I moved out of the area I was in, and there are no places around me that teach it. I still do some, at home, but I want to get into a place that I know is going to push me to work hard. I have always been interested in boxing, and I have found a couple of boxing clubs near me, that look really good.

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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I would say stick with the boxing even if its just for the training and you don't want any actual contact. This alone is much better than the cardio-boxing classes. Boxing training is demaniding as hell but by the end of the day it's so worth it.


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Were you actively sparring in the kickboxing or was it a cardio-class?

The boxing will definitely get you into shape. The running is good for overall health anyway. Your forearms will get a great workout from the bag-work and the rope jumping. Throwing the medicine ball around is good for the abs, arms, and back. The high rep calisthenics you do will tone you up and help keep the pounds off as well.

Boxing a bit after doing some kickboxing is an interesting change. Fighting someone who you know isn't going to kick at you or knee you is a totally different ballgame - you duck and slip slightly differently and your footwork changes subtly. Bridging the gap is also a bit different as well, also affecting your footwork. If you were doing kickboxing for a while you're going to always have this itch to use that foot, especially if you were good at low kicks due to the way a boxer positions himself/herself.

If that's what you're looking for, enjoy!


Vinny the Anvil
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Were you actively sparring in the kickboxing or was it a cardio-class?

I was actively sparring in class. It was not cardio kickbox. Although thats fun, I prefer the real thing.
Thanks a lot for the advice..I think I am definetly going to join. I just have to go in and see which one suits me more. The clubs seem to be so different in how they are run.

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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I just want something that will help me work up a good sweat, and where I can take out all of my frustrations.

The idea is to get your heart rate and respiration elevated. I've been doing stationary aerobics. At the gym, I find a machine near the floor and sit there and watch the step aerobics class. It seems to work for me and it's not as bad on face as boxing. :ph34r:

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