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Then I still claim st1

...(4 years earlier, in the packing room)
Gork the Great: (points to me) you. you will hereafter be Splittail 1.
Gork the Great: (points to Jamie H) you. you will be splittail 2
Gork the Great: (points to Natdog) and you, you will be splittail 3.
Natdaog: Buuuut... I wanna 1!!
Gork the Great: shut it soccer bim. my word is final!

see... the greats don't change there word!

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I think I know what happened... he and someone else were in a hot air balloon... they were loosing altitude so they threw everything out to minimize weight. They also threw out their clothes. Later they realized that they couldn't get enought lift and they would both die, so they drew matches. Whoever had the short match had to jump. Or something similar?


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OK, for those of you who know this riddle, STFU about the answer and let everyone who doesn't have fun with it....

You are walking through a forest and you come to a clearing. You find a dead naked guy holding a match lying there. How did he get there?

You can only ask yes or no questions to arrive at the answer.

ok here is the Question????

Was he walking the same path you did????

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