What do you say to a friend...

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What do you tell friends that just find out she has breast cancer? I’m a little upset about this whole situation. She just find out she has breast cancer after she fight a cervical cancer last year and came out alright, her daughter also told me she had two small heart attacks after she find out and she is at the hospital. I would like to hear something from the people that’s it’s been thru this. I took her to make her first Tandem jump two years ago and she always wanted to skydive again. Anyway sorry to be a downer I’ll appreciate your input. E-mail me or send me and I.M .


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I'm not sure what you could say, but just be there for her. Support, love, companionship, friendship are all important. Just show her you care and tell her you care. Actions......sometimes.....mean more than words. I had a friend who had breast cancer and a few family members..... just being there for them was important.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Yup, just being there, let her talk. Be the person she can safely say ridiculous, hateful things to (as long as you can -- take care of yourself, too). She's bound to be angry in some way about this, and if she can express it, then she can use it to fight.

Also, if she does chemo, help with transportation if she needs it. We've had a couple of people at work, where we just make sure that they have cooked mild food, and transportation, during the chemo/radiation weeks.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'll just say the same thing that was said above. Just being there and listening is very important. My mother had breast cancer a few years ago and us (my family) just being there for support was huge. Do what is necessary to make sure your friend doesn't feel alone through this hardship. Best of luck.

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let her know you will stand by her with as much strength as it takes to beat this. Together good shall prevail. Seriously.

Vibes [:/]

let my inspiration flow,
in token rhyme suggesting rhythm...

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