
Wow, ouch. Wow, ouch and wow ouch again!

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Hello again you lot!

Well, some of you may recall that I was close to getting my A licence (Cat 8) a couple of weeks ago. Well, I got it and very pleased with myself I am too. As I said in a post a while ago, the time I spent at the DZ and the sense of achievement I got from AFF has been amazing. :-)

I'm not sure if it's the same in other countries but here in the UK when you've completed your AFF you need to go on to do a "hop and pop" from 6k (to simulate an aircraft emergency) and then 10 consolidation jumps before getting your A licence.

These consolidation jumps are all solo and the intention is you use them as an opportunity to go over some of the skills you've learned on AFF and basically get more accustomed to being in the air. I enjoyed all the jumps. Wow!

So with the AFF, a couple of repeats, the hop and pop and 10 consolidation jumps I got my A licence in 21 jumps, in 14 days total.

On practically all these jumps, I have been landing "pretty" well. Most of the time stood up, gently and pretty much where I wanted to. Even when I've flared a bit too late - or a bit too early the impact hasn't been too "hard", they've been ok. I thought I had landings reasonable well figured out.

This weekend - after a week passed without jumping - was a different story. I got up to the DZ on Sunday and did 3 jumps, freefall was amazing but each one was a landing disaster .. and got progressively more painful.

Out of no where I have developed an extremely bad habit of putting my left leg down as the ground approaches, this inevitably means I end up leaning on my left hand toggle .. and well, you know it all goes tits up from there. My left leg takes the impact and the canopy pulls me over to the left, well .. you know .. it isn't good!

I went over on my left leg/ankle 3 times and the last one - "smarted" more than a bit. (This is a northern England expression for hurt like hell). My leg is badly bruised, my foot hurts, my ankle hurts and my hip hurts. I can still walk .. but .. I will not be jumping for a week or so ;-)

The stupid thing is, on each of these jumps I was concentrating hard to ensure that I would keep my feet together for landing and then, almost as a reflex, a couple of feet off the ground my left foot would lurch forward - with a mind of its own.

I had harsh words with my left foot after all of the jumps, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I really need to get it figured out.

So, what have I learned ..

Well, first, if you listen to your instructors - you will keep yourself "safe" .. when I was landing with 2 feet as instructed, over the first 21 jumps I did not get a single injury.

Also, that sometimes and certainly whilst you are a beginner .. that your natural reflexes and brain sometimes work in ways you don't expect (eg. I *know* I am supposed to be landing on 2 feet) so take it easy until this stuff has become second nature.

Following on from that, I am glad I haven't moved off a 220 sqf "student" rig on to my own 170/180 just yet. I am glad I made the decision not to rush this because I fear, had I made the same balls up on a faster canopy at the weekend, I might have "seriously" hurt myself.

(Last thing I have learned is - do not talk to your feet in public, people look at you funny.)

Anyway, just thought I would share my experiences with you. Still can't wait to get back up there but I will be doing some serious thinking this week to why the hell my left foot has developed a mind of its own.

Blue skies!


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Well, first, if you listen to your instructors - you will keep yourself "safe" ..

Spot on mate, I had about 62 jumps when my brain decided to ignore everything my instructors had advised me. The next four skydives I lost the left toggle on landing once and stalled the canopy twice. I couldn't jump for three weeks. I was lucky to limp away.

keep 'em safe


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Congratulations mate on your Cat 8.

From my own limited experience, i would say that, the most important thing is to keep your canopy level
and forget about the legs for the moment (although of course its important), it sounds like you trying to compensate by moving your weight to get level.

Someone please correct me if i'm giving bad advice here.

And as for them legs... i would just keep the knees together and treat your next few landings as though they are going to be hard and adopt a good PLF position.

Good luck dude.

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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I'm in no position to be giving advice, with only 15 jumps, I'm well aware. As Robert Heinlein once wrote, "I am only an egg," meaning that I can barely call myself "born" into this sport.

Having said that, let me ask if you are looking at your feet as you approach flaring height? Sometimes when I look right at my feet, instead of the ground just in front of them, I make mistakes in my landings. Nothing quite like what you described, but I see that potential in me. Your post has given me something to think about.

Hope you get better soon so you can get back up there and try again.

Blue skies and fast-healing muscles & joints!
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Been there, done that (I didn't pick this name - it was bestowed upon me). :)
I decided to start landing as if every one was going to be a PLF.....legs together, feet together, knees bent a little. When I did crash and burn, I was ready for it. When I started getting better and hitting my flare just rght, from this position I would just gently fall to one knee. Not a pretty or "cool" landing, and it was hell on my jumpsuits, but I've walked away from every one.

Now that I stand the majority of my landings, I've gotten away from this philosophy. Sadly, when I do screw it up, my landings are a horrific mess - complete with screaming spectators, and man-sized holes in any nearby buildings and / or trees. :$


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