
Stone Brewing Co.

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Ahhh, yes, the Stone Brewing Company out of San Diego County.

You're not worthy!

Arrogant Bastard is a great ale. However, it's not for everybody. Only those with a particular liking for bitter ales should drink it.

I myself was introduced to it at the Yardhouse in Long Beach, CA. One of the servers there (who no longer works there - too bad, cuz she was a real sweetheart) provided me with Arrogant Bastard, since she thought it was rightly descriptive of my general personality. She was wrong, I think. I then drank some "Sweet Betty" in her honor.

Again, it is not for everyone. it's a bit dark, and very bitter. I find it wonderful! In fact, I love Stone Breweries because of their philosophies. They only brew solid beers that won't be watered down. Their beers are tailored for a certain niche in the market - a niche that I occupy! All of their beers are quite nice!

Store purchases are usually in 20 ounce bottles, so prepare for it, if you dare.

You are not worthy...

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They brew here in san diego and I wanted to see how far they have expanded so anyone who gets it in their state...Speak up!

I am in TX and we have it here. Not fond of Arrogant Bastard, too bitter for my taste.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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It's available here in Washington. The arrogant bastard is pretty good. Even if it weren't, it'd be worth the price of admission just to have the marketing souvenir (read "empty bottle").

For those of you who aren't aware, check out the website and dig around. There's even quite a bit of humor on the very front page, including the sites the 3 links in the "Do Not Accept" take you too. :)
(drink Mountain Dew)

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What an AWESOME IPA... and for those weak of heart, this "Bud" is NOT for you!#$%@@@@. The beer tastes exactly what you might expect reading the label. Not for the faint at heart!!!

Love the beer, NOT here in Va Beach (that I can find) if anyone is close to Va Beach and has seen it, PM me and let me know!


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