
disturbing terminology

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[:/] Part of my "real" work...includes the sale and installation of Stairway Chair Lifts....
so yesterday, while putting in a unit for a woman whose father is very ill,,, the Visiting Nurse Service
nurse came by..........
........ 3 times I overheard her tell the family,,,
...." Well you should know, 'He's Actively Dying'..."
.....>:( HUH?????.... "actively dying" ??????
what's with THAT??? How do loved ones respond when a medical "professional" uses a term like that?
.... so as she left, I was in the driveway, near my truck, and asked her " Isn't that term a bit HARSH"????.........Her reply,,,,," that conversation is/was 'confidential' between myself and the family"
as I stood there and shook my head, I thought but didn't say,,,, " then why did YOU breach that confidentiality,,,, by speaking LOUD enough for some workman ( me ) to overhear?" let alone to say that in front of the ill gentleman himself..[:/]
Am I behind the times here???? Are such terms acceptable today???....I surely realize the inevitability
of life and death....but this was from a NURSE.......and she used it,,,, almost like it was the new "catchphrase"......
..... did I over react??????? jmy

It is commonly used terminology and there are valid reasons for using it. The family may want to be with him when he passes. The nurse is just letting them know that it is going to happen very soon. They also may want to consider the best way to make him comfortable. This is an incredibly difficult job for a nurse that is compounded by confrontations. The end result of that may be that the nurse refuses to return. I hope not and I wish that family well.

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... So we're activly dying in freefall...

Huh??? Actively dying...only if you have no intent of pulling.


Intent? Intent doesn't cut it. I've seen what happens when people intend.. but don't, for whatever reason.

I'll stick with Activly dying.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Actively dying from my point of veiw means when a persons body is in shut down mode, and is very close to death, some people take longer than others.
It's a term i've heard in a hospice environment and from my wife (psycho=greiatric nurse).
I believe the terminology was fine. Saying it infront of the patient on the other hand may not be fine. Hearing if one of the last faculties to go.
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... So we're activly dying in freefall...

Huh??? Actively dying...only if you have no intent of pulling.


Intent? Intent doesn't cut it. I've seen what happens when people intend.. but don't, for whatever reason.

I'll stick with Activly dying.


That's your choice...I'll stick with actively living.;)

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