
divine clearance

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I wonder how that turned out....

:SI find myself sitting crooked in my chair when looking at the photo. Maybe I can help with the guys landing if I sit in my chair just right.:S

(I am bored over here and I dont want to do dishes)

My above post remeinds me of this guy I know who was fun to watch as he watched football on tv. He would actually lean into each play they made on tv. As the 1/4back threw the ball the couch guy would go with it. As the reciever dude caught the ball he would lean into that. You could watch the couch guy avoiding the tackle people until the dude with the ball got hit. At that point, my couch guy would stop quick his leaning and then talk to himself.

He also believed that a bottle of Jack Daniels positioned correctly on top of the TV would bring back the luck to his team. :S


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try this

"air trafic control . . . I think we'll make it"

Wow!! I think we've found a reason to bring the center-fusalage landing gear set-up from the B-47 and B-52 to the commercial sector! :D
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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