
Was this a sign from above?

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My brother got in an accident on his motorcycle(broke his arm/wrist) on last thursday so I was out of it for awhile(mentally). Then I went to the DZ on Sunday just to get away from everything. An instructor talked me into doing my aff II. Well while Im getting ready a pigeon flew and landed right under my seat and just stood there looking at me, I was changing shoes etc and he just stood there. Well 20mins later Im flying up in the otter going over the jump in my head. Got out and did everything fine. Reserve JM let go and flew in front ~ 7k redocked and waited while we flew down, and at about 5500 we flew threw a light haze (amazing). at 5k I pitched and waited, waited, looked at altimeter 4k still in FF, looked at main JM and then the bag came off my back and deployed, 3-4 line twists. Got down and did my first stand up landing.!!

So there goes too many firsts in 1 jump.
1) first haze ride.
2) first PC hessitation
3) first stand up landing
4) first semi solo Free fall

what do you think?B|

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Sucks because I'm only 20.

We can supply IDB|

Anyway, in the circumstances it'd be acceptable for you to provide the means to beer. Believe me, it'll be cheapoer to pay the beer in small stages as they come up. Let me assure you that while the average skydiver is frequently unable to count his thumbs with any degree of reliability, they can calculate beer owed better than Einstein.


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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You only have to buy one case per jump, no matter how many firsts you had on it. (Oh, and congrats on your jump, too! B|)

Being underage is no excuse to not buy beer; I've tried that one plenty of times, but there are always people willing to go out and buy it, um... for themselves... with your money. :P

you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear
it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become.

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psssst... read the profile.. I'm in Canada, where we have no big dzs,awfull winters, just as expensive jumps, and we pay the same for gear as anyone else when we shop around.... dont you;)

psssst#2: we can leave our cold beer on the table a couple of hours and have warm beer too, Monthy Pyton rules, so does foie gras, especially grilled with grappes and sauterne (the foie gras that is, I dont know or care to know how John Cleese tastes like grilled)B|

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