
Pics of my AFF level 6

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I did my level 6 weeks ago and did my level 7 just 2 weeks ago but dont have any pics of that one.

Thought I'd share casue I'm excited I only have one level left. B| Please excuse the SHIT quality, I had to take pics with my digicam of the pics that were shit to begin with. [:/]

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Congratulations! Your DZ can't WAIT for you to graduate!

Graduation = BEER! :D
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Congrats! and Cool pictures. :)
Some of the pictures have some glare which at first looked to me like fake clouds were added. :S:D

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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And heres a pic of me... just because. :P

Skycuties abound, I must say. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Now you've gone and done it. Prepare for an onslaught of "How YOU doin'?"

Is it just MHO, or does this sport attract an unusually high number of attractive people? (and by that I don't necessarily mean just physically, also personally)

Though, in your case, I DO mean physically. Not that I'm flirting with you. I'm not. And I don't mean you're not also personally attractive- I don't know you. I just meant...that.. you know... um...

ugh. it's one of those days.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Thanks Rebecca! I love this sport and I'm still such a beginner. The people are great, guys and girls. It's like one big family.. if that makes any sense. :)

Oh yes, it makes sense. We say that about our community ALL the time!! Still, like any community, you still have to watch out for yourself in terms of who you trust (just a protective little reminder.)


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Oh yes, it makes sense. We say that about our community ALL the time!! Still, like any community, you still have to watch out for yourself in terms of who you trust (just a protective little reminder.)


How YOU doin:P Don't know where you been but glad your back Rebecca.:D

And congratulations Conundrum. Skydivers are the coolest, most intelligent, and friendliest group of peopl that i have ever been involved with. Enjoy yourself.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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How YOU doin:P Don't know where you been but glad your back Rebecca.:D

Aw shucks. Thanks darlin'- glad to be back.
('cept, I never went nowhere, just got kinda quitelike)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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