
AFP Or S/L(I know it's been talked about before but your opinion helps alot)

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Okay so i am deciding weather to choose AFP as a method of training or the S/L way, i've done a few searches on this subject through out the forms and came across one that stuck out to me which was this

Edited:And as for the learning "curve" of AFF vs static line, from what I read on here, AFF is like 8 jumps, then you're signed off to jump by yourself as they try to cram "everything you need to know to jump in 8 jumps", but you still have to fullfill your class A requirements. With static line (aka my experience with static line), is that you're taking one step at a time, and tend to have more instruction. For me, it's easier to learn step by step where one or two things are added, than like in AFF were many things are added to a single jump)

I do kinda see as to what he means, are 8 levels enough for a student? I am kind of leaning on the side of taking the S/L way but i would like to hear other people's opinion as to weather or not it's a good decision i am making, i do know that in the end i will be licenced which ever way i do choose to train?

P.S: Money is not an issue for me i just want the best method of training so i can understand the sport to it's fullest!

Thanks Alot

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My advice (and I'm no instructor):
If you
- have a lot of cash available
- have the time available to do the course in a timely manner
- want to freefall NOW
- are good at multitasking mentally
- pick up new physical stuff quick
AFF may be the route for you.

If any of those points are a (potential) problem, if you like to do things one step at a time mentally/physically/financially, want more jumps for the same amount of money, aren't in any particular rush, go SL ;)

AFF is sorta like getting your drivers license in one week, it's expensive and intense but gets you there quick. SL is more like 2 driving lessons a week :P

ciel bleu,

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I have said this before and I will say it again: "The best training program combines tandem, ground launching, S/L, wind tunnel, PFF and coaching, because each method is best at teaching different skills at different stages in the learning process.

For example, tandem is the best way to learn to face the fear in the doorway. Tandem also helps show students the "picture of the perfect skydive."

Second, ground launching is the best way to teach the basics of steering and landing a canopy.

Static-line is the best way to learn the basics of exiting an airplane.

Wind tunnels are the best place to learn the basics of freefall, stability, turns and loops.

PFF puts all those skills together in a high-speed environment.

Coaching helps complete the skills needed for your "Solo" Certificate (minimum ten jumps).

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I think who you are learning from and who you
start hanging out with are much bigger factors
than SL vs AFF.

Either way you will want to put some real effort
into learning canopy skills in your first 100 jumps.

Freefall is fun and inspiring, but canopy skill is
how you get to keep doing it.


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Since you list Burnaby as your home DZ and the only dz in Ontario offering static line training is Skydive Toronto inc., I will guess that those are the options you are looking at. First you should know that the staff at both DZs have reputations across he country for being first rate; which ever route you chose you will be with good people.
As others have already said both methods offer their own advantages. In my opinion AFP gives you the big advantage of learning while doing during the freefall part of the skydive. I have spent a lot of time on coach jumps trying to correct poor body positions that students adopted during standard progression jumps.
If money is really available I would do your tandem jumps, paying close attention to the canopy part of the jumps, then go down to the tunnel in New Hampshire for 1/2 hr of training with an AFF instructor, followed by the AFF part of the program. Once you have your solo certificate get some canopy coaching right away; Burnaby is the national leader in canopy flying hands down, there will be some great coaches there.
Just my opinion.

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Parachute School Of Toronto also offers S/L course .. thats the way I went .. longer progression but alot more jumps and I love the folks at PST they are like Family ...
I have also been down to New Hampshire a couple times ..
if money is no object ... get as much time in the tunnel as you can .... visit a few drop zones check out the vibe at all of them and pick the one that you like best ....
If you have an hour of tunnel time it won't matter which DZ or progression method you choose , you will fly through your course ...
just my opinion ....
PST is the only DZ open right now in Ontario ... so if your itching to start now we are the place to do it at ....'

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Mario Prevost (DZO at Atmospaire outside Montreal) reported that even ten or fifteen minutes in the New Hampshire tunnel was enough to get students "over the hump." He said that those students suffer the usual "willies" for the first five seconds, then recognize that they are in a familiar environment and get on with their targeted learning objectives. He also said that - by the end of the program - students with tunnel time are four levels ahead of students who only did PFF.

Just be sure your tunnel coach is also an AFF Instructor, so you develop good habits from the start.

The bottom line is: tunnels are the best place - and least expensive way - to learn basic freefall skills.

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