
I get to name my christmas gift

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Hey all,

My mother just called to tell me that they're stumped on what to get me this year (I'm not used to getting things I actually 'want' for christmas so I buy them for myself. If I didn't I'd end up with yet another blender for christmas - who cooks now a days anyway? ;))

So she asked me what I'd like. I told her something to do with skydiving. The DZ is too far away from her to buy me jump tickets... and I'm not starting AFF until March or April due to all this f__king snow. (again, not bitter at being stuck in the house for 2 days - not at all :P) So I thought since I have nothing skydiving related I would have her order me something I could use during AFF - something that would be great to start with.

I was thinking along the lines or gloves, goggles, alti etc. but I've no idea if thats even appropriate.

Any ideas?

Arianna Frances

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haha - not willing to put mom and dad in the hole for this one - great ideas though.

I want to be able to go to aff and be able to use this gift asap - figure I can get an alti there obviously - but the gloves and goggles would probably be best to start with....

whatcha think?

Arianna Frances

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haha - not willing to put mom and dad in the hole for this one - great ideas though.

I want to be able to go to aff and be able to use this gift asap - figure I can get an alti there obviously - but the gloves and goggles would probably be best to start with....

whatcha think?


you gonna need skydiving t-shirts too!!

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you gonna need skydiving t-shirts too!!


Already hit up friends for those - I won't be without :)


Your AFF instructors might not let you wear gloves at first. It all depends on what the budget is. My first purchases were goggles and an alti.

Goggles it is then! Thanks for the help....

now to find a site to purchase them from....

specifically what should someone look at when purchasing goggles for the first time.... (clueless newbie here)

Arianna Frances

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Oh! This is an easy one. Since they ASKED you what you want tell them to call the gear shop at your dropzone and leave some $$$ on account for you and you can pick up what you need when you need it. Even $50 will come in handy! Blue skies.


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why the hell didn't I think of that??

I was thinking "hey, they could get me an online gift certificate or something"

but it would be best if they could leave it at the dz for me. And they can call instead of driving half a day for that!

Great advice! Thanks :)
Arianna Frances

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