
US Government bans Ephedra

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What any adult chooses to put in his or her body should be NO BUSINESS of the government.

So long as you are saying as well that Health Care should also be no business of the government then I am with you..

so are you for mandatory healthy diets? physical training regimes? enforced sleep hours?

please..the lack of those in most Americans life is responsible for FAR more health care costs than all the drugs in existence, and yet you have no issues with taking away the most basic freedoms simply because it doesn’t affect your personal habits??
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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please..the lack of those in most Americans life is responsible for FAR more health care costs than all the drugs in existence

Fairly bold statement. Can you back that up with facts? I would be interested to know that as you make an interesting point.


so are you for mandatory healthy diets? physical training regimes? enforced sleep hours?

Governments have had worse Ideas.. ;)

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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rather easily..

for starters why dont you look at the medical costs of

heart disease, kidney & liver failures, strokes & stress related illness.....

now add a significant portion of injuries as the three behaviors mentioned have been proven to reduce both the incidence and recovery times when they do occur.

In fact those behaviors are the most commonly recommended courses of action by ALL doctors for nearly every American under direct supervision or otherwise..

now (if you want some more specific data) take it a step larger and look at the benefits and health records of those who continually practice such habits on their own...say professional athletes (for example although there are others) and compare their health care costs ( those not directly related to the risks involved in sports participation) to those of the average American

i'm sure you can see where this is going...i'll do a quick search for some statistics later, but you should really look at them for yourself, and make your own decision about what is best for your life..some people would rather do other things than sleep, enjoy rich foods drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes, at the risk of a shorter lifespan, and those are all decisions they should be allowed to make for themselves, and the exact choices the government is deciding for you by telling you what you should and should not ingest....

the government is a propaganda machine, far more interested in paying lipservice ( see we are 'doing something') about 'headline' items than actually improving the lot of the average citizen, or retaining the fundamental freedom of choice all individuals are entitled to.

Its sole responsibility to the individual is to make sure information is accurate and available, and then to make recommendations, not to chose what you will have for breakfast everyday at 0900 for the rest of your carefully monitored and tightly controlled life (such as it would be)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Banned ephedrine....looks like at least one of the people that traveled to Moss Point on a bus that did not quite make it will get some sleep at the Mardi Gras boogie this year!
---you should seriously consider removing yourself from the gene pool---

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