
Who will YOU vote for?

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Uma Thurman for president!!!

maybee ANNNIIIIIMMMAAAALLL from the muppets.... I don't know, who'd make the better class president?

or anyone that has Ozzy Osborne play the innagural reception, and if they were in the skull and bones that they wear big bling skull and bones medallions and skull and bone pinky rings and a little pirates ear ring...

then talk about free trade, and all that other good stuff while slamming tequila shots w/ 20 drops of tabasco sauce during the state of the union address...

Dennis Leary... thats who gets my vote.

or maybee Spicolli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High...

he seems to have his shit together.. Not Sean Penn though.. he'd have to stay in character the entire four years... then dropped off in a combat zone w/o a camera and a field of depleted uranium shells to sift through.

I'm 28 and havn't voted yet... when I was in the military I cast an absentee ballot but I think they just threw those in the paper mulcher and let the whales eat em.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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