
So, the Doc says "You might have TB."

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I've looked around, found what causes it, how it's transmitted, and how to treat it. BUT, what does it do to you??? I can't seem to find any info. . . so if anyone has any, please, please, please PM me or post.

all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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It was referred to as CONSUMPTION back in the day and eventually you died from the disease. (Like Doc Holiday) But, today you take pills and whatnot, and get better in no time. You should consult some books on diseases...unfortunately, I can't tell you right off the bat what it does besides slowly eating away at your lungs so that you eventually cough up blood.:S Have you asked your Doc? Has he done a TB test? They are really easy, just leave a little bruise...search online, but also hit the library that is your best source...Sorry I couldn't be any more help...[:/]

P.S. My grandmother, who was a nurse for 36 years, started out nursing at a TB ward in Mississippi back in the 40's...she told me some freaky stories...:SB|

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Shouldn't be too much to worry about. I've known a couple people who contracted it. Just had to put with taking drugs for awhile and that was that. I guess once you make it go dormant with the drugs there is only a TINY chance that it would ever become active again. Just make sure to take the drugs as prescribed.....if not it can become resistant and kill you. [:/]

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HAVE you been around ANYONE from the Phillipines?
and The *meds they give you as a TEST positive but, X-ray neg. can destroy your liver to a point of hepatitus.
My sister worked as a CNA and the Phillipino CNAs coughed enough on her (only takes 1 cough) that she had to go on the meds and 4 years of it landed her in the E.R. 4 moths ago. 2 months on a med. pump I.V. for flushing out the damage.
*medication forms a protective coating so your lungs are shielded
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I'm sure you've seen movies where people, years ago, died from "consumption". That's TB. Highly contagious and bad if left untreated.

The lungs react to the bacillus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, by producing protective cells. These engulf the bacteria and create a nodule called a tubercle. Specifically, a tubercle is a mass of small round cells surrounded by connective cells. If this was left untreated, the tubercles would eventually enlarge and merge. These areas would become necrotic, or dead tissue, which would break off, break apart. Basically, the bacteria given time and not being fought will create holes in the lungs making them ineffective in the end.

HOWEVER, this being said....treatment is out there. You've read about it. Some of the signs of TB are feeling tired all the time or lacking energy, pain in your chest, weight loss, fever, night sweats, coughing up bloody sputum. If you have TB, follow the treatment your doctor prescribes.

Hope this helps some....
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
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The medication used in the treatment of TB can cause damage to other structures. There is a combination of drugs which needs to be used and treatment can last up to a year. Regular laboratory tests are used to monitor the function of the kidneys, liver, eyes, and ears for signs of drug toxicity. If you undego the treatment, you will be monitored closely.
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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They left my sister on 1 drug and 4 years of treatment.B| (God bless Med. Coverage for G.I. families>:(:() She wasn't expected to live through the Holidays as her liver was so damaged.

************Keep yourself monitored!!!:):):)please!
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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You know what it does to you?

It gets me to send you VIBES and HUGS and PRAYERS and LOVE and HEALING and LOVE and MORE LOVE and then even some MORE LOVE and it also gets me to tell you that if you need to vent, lemme know, 'cause I'm not too hard to find.

I can't give you any information, but I can let you know I'm thinking of you, and if you need anything, sing out.



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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okay, so here's an update. the doc found two calcified spots on my lungs about 3 x 5 cm and freaked out and thought it was TB. Thank heavens my TB test came out negative today.

So it ends up i have walking pneumonia and some asthma came along w/ it. so in other words, i can't breathe and i sleep all day.

i guess i don't have room to complain since it's not TB and my sweetie is here for two weeks taking care of me. i have never been so spoiled. :)
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Well, not because you have pneumonia, but because you don't have TB. P'monia you can survive (I've done it several times already...) with just some meds and rest...TB is a tad more complicated than that.



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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