
Who you got to win the NCAA Tournament?

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I have OK State in both of my pools. One pool, that is the only team I have left. In my other one, I have OK State, UCONN and Duke left... OK State beating Duke.

I think I have a decent shot...

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LOL, I had Kentucky in my pool.

bah. only one of my predicted final four is left. bah.

go UCONN. meh.

>:(Another crappy year in the office pool. And I started out in first place after the first round!
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I started out in first place after the first round!

Tell me about it! After the first round, I had lost 2 games... Nevada vs Michigan State (I had Michigan State like every other retard out there) and Southern Illinios vs Alabama (Salukies, Baby!)

Second round, lost Tech was supposed to beat St. Joe's, and get into the Elite 8! Mississippi State also went down, and they were in my championship game! UGH the agony! Alabama beat Stanford, who was supposed to make it to 16. Syracuse beat another of my final four teams, Maryland. NC State lost me another 16 team. UCONN was supposed to go down to Maryland. UAB cost me another 4 team (who picked this upset?) Kentucky was then supposed to beat Kansas.... Then there was the Nevada craziness. My Zags were to be playing GaTech, who wasn't supposed to beat Kentucky.

Good thing I did 2 brackets...

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire

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Sorry, i HATE duke! I grew up hating duke, so as long as UCONN will beat them (which is a good chance), i'm all about UCONN. Otherwise gotta go with OK

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