
Last of the charges dismissed......but......

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Biased judges, agreeing to give up your right to possess weapons when you're innocent, people making up lies against you, corrupted courtrooms.....

Ummmm, suuuuuuuuuure. Right. I'm with ya. I always admit to charges and agree to give up certain rights for crimes I've never committed. Happens all the time to me. [:/]


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I haven't admitted to any charges, in fact all charges were dropped.

I was never given an opportunity to even state my case. I never testified, was allowed to present any evidence, or dispute the charges against me.

I was given a choice by a judge. He went out of his way to NOT drop a CIVIL case that the complainent didn't show up for and didn't want to pursue.

Thnk whatever you want, but if you're going to call me a liar have the balls to come out and say it Mr. Real Name: No name entered.

My character witnesses for the criminal trial (which weren't needed because those charges were dismissed as well) were: Former Montgomer County Chamber of Commerce President, Assistant DA for Montgomery County, a cop, a congressman's sister.

They all know me personally, they might be better judges of character than you. You've got a lot of nerve slinging accusations at someone tha you know from posts on an internet web site. Crawl back into your hole.

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maybe someday 'innocent until proven guilty' will mean something again.

Yeah, and maybe innocent after all charges are dismissed because of lack of evidence, motive, or opportunity will mean something again, too.

Some assholes will always be biased though. That's been proven in this thread.

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Some assholes will always be biased though.

Yeah, he was probably a republican. You know how they're always out to get the innocent people. Evil they are, pure evil.

And dude, why didn't you say you had reputable character witnesses. That changes everything. Surly no one could be guilty of anything as long as a friend says you're an ok guy. My bad.


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