
I love eBay!!!

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I just had to share!! :)
I had an old container on eBay. I listed it a week or so ago for $50. No bids. Auction ended without selling. So, ok, it's old and I want to get rid of it. I listed it again a few days ago for $25 - thinking anything is better than nothing and having a container taking up space, blah blah blah. I got a bid on it after the 1st day. It goes up a couple of dollars here and there.

Fast forward to the last 5 minutes of the auction up to $40 now... nothing new. Refresh, up a dollar!! Hell yeah!! Refresh at 3 minutes to go. Nothing new. Keep refreshing... at 1 minute 45 seconds it jumps to $46! Refresh - $51! Refresh - $56! Refresh with only 30 seconds left - $66!!!!!! More than I started bidding the first time!! Man I love this stuff!! :D

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Yeah, Ebay's out of whack. Sometimes people bid higher just to *win* an auction.

You can also get stuff on there really cheap sometimes. I once got a set of three DVDs for $15. I only wanted one of them. So I ended up selling the other two back on Ebay for a total of about $20.
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I haven't been paid yet. It just ended less than an hour ago. But I have sold a lot on there in the past couple of months and haven't had any problems. I did however buy something from someone several years ago, paid for it, and never received it. >:( I really wanted it too!! [:/] So far, since I've been using eBay (since about 2000 I think) that's the only problem I've ever had! I have definitely heard the horror stories though. So far I've been lucky I suppose. :)

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