
Where is pot legal ? List

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In Amsterdam it's easy to find with the huge signs on the coffeeshops,

When I was a university student I promised myself a long weekend to forget in Amsterdam... and I never did it :( (or at least if I did, I don't remember! :P:D). Guess I'm past that now, but it would have been fun! ;)


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It's not legal in ohio but if you are caught will less than something like 3oz I think it is your first offence is a $100 fine.

Unless they have changed the law in the last five years. Anything less than 100 grams is a minor misdemeanor which does call for a $100 fine. The most important part is that there is no criminal record involved. Now, if you have 99 grams of the stuff in say, five or six separate baggies, you're going to prison!

Alaska put a measure on the ballot in 2000 which would have completely decriminalized pot. But whoever wrote the measure screwed the pooch when it mentioned that not only would all those currently imprisoned in the State of Alaska on pot related charges be released, but that reparations would be paid by the State for the inconvenience. I'd have no problem with the first part, but the second is a bit absurd. It failed. Perhaps they'll try again. (or maybe they already have...time to google)



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Vancouver, British Columbia Canada certified organic.
Island Harvest Bud- pic attached


Da Kine Smoke and Beverage Shop-
VANCOUVER (CP) - A Vancouver cafe operator who offers marijuana on her menu says people need a crime-free method of getting the weed and she's going public to raise awareness on the issue.
Has been selling marijuanna for over 4 months at Da Kine Smoke and Beverage Shop on Commercial Drive, Vancouver. (Just now been busted, in courts)

Apply for legal Medical Marihuana

Medical marihuana links page


Northern Light Bud in B.C. is primo.:P:P:P


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I've never tried pot before. Is it all that it's cracked up to be?

Just my opinion, but here you are:

The first time I ever smoked pot (at my high school, right after the prom.) I hated it, because it made me feel stupid all night, and the "weed hangover" I had the next day made me feel so out of it I felt like I missed the first part of Sesame Street and didn't know what the Letter Of The Day was. I felt exactly the way that stoners look like they feel: a prolonged, elongated "Duh". I didn't do it again for a long time.

Then I did it some more. And by god it was fun. Food *does* taste better, music *does* sound better, and sex *is* better. You might make fun of stoned people for staring at a still picture for thirty minutes straight, but from their point of view, the picture is that f'in cool. Pot smells good, makes you feel good, takes away the drunk feeling (I used to make not-good decisions), and it's a social drug that far surpasses booze and cigarettes in how it brings people together to have fun. And it's cheap. I got high as much as I wanted to for less than $50 a week. You can't get drunk everyday for that price, and I know (not personally) that most other drugs are more expensive than that.

BUT, when you do it a lot, that changes. You get lazy, and you get stupid. (Which aren't good attributes for skydivers, by the way.) Doing it a lot you might find yourself rolling out of bed while the sun is on its way down, ordering takeout for a week because you don't feel like going to the supermarket, and avoiding doing things with your friends because you'd rather smoke in the morning, which means you won't be able to drive until like 6 or 7 PM.

And you don't dream. Or at least you don't remember your dreams. And my dreams are fun, like a Twilight Zone marathon every night. When I finally realized I wasn't remembering my dreams (like I said, it makes you stupid), I really missed that, and I stopped. Plus, when you don't do it often, that makes it better when you do smoke.

So there you go. Try it out if you want, in a safe environment. Make sure you don't have to drive or do anything else important........although the biggest decision you'll probably have to make is whether to pass out *right here* or slog your way up to bed.

Do yourself a favor: find Bill Hicks' standup comedy routine on the benefits of pot over beer. Good stuff, even if you can't identify with what he's talking about.

"Look, a job has been created!"

Edited to add that this thread looks like it was hijacked. :)

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And you don't dream. Or at least you don't remember your dreams.....

Several year ago (before my company started giving drug tests), my mechanic made brownies with pot without telling anyone. Man, I had the most erotic dream I have ever had involving a large red headed woman........ but wait there's more. Anyway, I still dream of her; just don't tell my wife.

Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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