
Help save Dolphins

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Again where do they propose to elimante the accident??

It is about accidentally killing marine mammals.
It is a total waist of life that can be prevented

Nothing in that statement or anywhere else that says HOW an "accidental killing" can be prevented...Makes no sense to me to be screaming about accidental killngs..now if people where just going out and slaughtering Dolphins by the thousands on purpose......:S

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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> Nothing in that statement or anywhere else that says HOW an "accidental
> killing" can be prevented.

Well, for example, many tuna fishermen look for dolphins (which often hunt tuna) and spread nets around them. They then haul everything out of the water. The dolphins are "accidentally" killed because they suffocate. Solution - don't spread nets around dolphins.

Dolphins congregate around target fish but don't like loud noises. Solution - require pingers on nets to scare dolphins off.

>Makes no sense to me to be screaming about accidental killngs . . .

7 million dolphins have been 'accidentally' killed since 1950. That's a lot of dolphins. Would you scream if even two of your pets were 'accidentally' killed by drunk kids shooting their .22's? Even if they were just trying to scare em a little?

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how would you like it if someone flew an airline jet over your house at 500ft? Every day?

Are you advocating that international shipping be banned from the oceans?

No. That's not what I said, nor meant.
Actually, that's another problem, considering all the cruise ships and oil tankers that collide with whales :(.

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sperm whale 163-180 dB
fin whale 160-186 dB
bow head whale 128- 189
Blue Whale 155- 188
southern right whale 172 -187
Grey whale 142- 185

Jet Aircraft takeoff 140-150 dB
backstreetboys concert 100- 120
Pantera Concert 100-130 dB

Even the Southern right whale think the Backstreet boys are pansies.:D:D

Maybe whales should be banned from talking too?;)

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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