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  • Home DZ
    CrossKeys NJ, USA
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  1. Be ready to PLF every landing.
  2. A very famous french actress
  3. Wow Nico, that's a cool "Backtracking turtle" move you got there
  4. kamih

    The Mars Volta

    Also check out At The Drive-in and Sparta
  5. There are people who actually try to bait the scammers, pretty funny stuff: http://www.419eater.com/
  6. Incubus have a track called Antigravity, it's funky http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005RGO5/qid=1104882669/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/102-4430212-0597701?v=glance&s=music Track 9 on Science. Is that what you're looking for?
  7. I was there in Oct this year. Did 15min. Was fun as hell
  8. Seriously, you can't complain if you're still using IE.. Don't know when you tried mozilla, but you should try Firefox now. Really great browser.. don't know any sites that don't load right with it.
  9. Like Ivan said, get an Ibanez. They have an amazing price/quality ratio. I own 2 and I think they sound better than some popular multi-thousand dollar guitars.. http://www.ibanez.com/
  10. You may all remember the lawn-chair-helium-balloon incident a couple years ago.. Well check this out! http://www.clusterballoon.org/intro/intro.html Ok so it's a repost, sorry http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1276538
  11. So um.. no planes at Crosskeys this weekend, at all ?? Damn.. was planning on getting my license this weekend What's the landing zone like at Sussex?
  12. Well I've read that it actually helped some people, but you never know.. Personnaly I don't jump unless everything feels normal.. but I'll probably try jumping this weekend even if it's still a little weird. I guess I can always ride the plane down if it feels bad on the way up.. And yeah, sudafed and afrin havn't really done anything but clear my nose.. I wish more was known about the human hearing system.. Good luck with you too! blue skies