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I had a problem with it when I was a teenager, though I'm not sure if it was true narcolepsy... because I quickly learned to recognize when it was about to happen and take action to prevent myself from being injured (pulling the car off the road, sitting down if I was standing, etc.). I had pretty severe insomnia during the same time as well, often going all night without sleeping at all, so I think that's why I would have the sudden sleep attacks during the day.

Basically I would get a sudden sleepy feeling and would pass out within a couple minutes - usually only for about 30 seconds and then I would wake up and feel fine. I had one auto accident because of this (luckily a minor one) and I learned from that to pull the car over immediately the instant I felt sleepy. Driving was particularly bad because I usually couldn't even make a 20-minute drive without having to pull the car over at least once.

I fell out of my chair at school a few times because of it, but that was just embarassing.

Somehow it just went away when I hit my early 20's... though I've continued to have problems with insomnia and other sleep disturbances (maybe not quite as bad as during that time).

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Yes, I do have it and I was diagnosed in Nov. 03'. It has recently gotten a lot worse. I was just hoping that I might find someone that can relate to me on some things. It sucks sometimes... others not so bad because they give some kick ass meds. It's a lifelong disorder so I have to deal with it. People thinks it's a funny disorder which it is but not really "haha" funny more like "it changes in wierd ways" kinda funny. Hey it could be something worse. [:/]
*I do have a Cypress by the way but not for that reason. HaHa I've fallen asleep in a lot of places and almost on the plane but haven't came close in the air.....oh...except that one solo..just kidding ;)
If life gives you lemons then make lemonade, if not then go thirsty and keep on truckin'

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a friend on mine, who I worked with at Summit Point Raceway(motorcycle track) had one of his episodes at night on his Ninja and went through a barbed wire fence and flipped end over end 3 times.
He got to the nearest house to call for help(broken ankle and arm) and then the Police in Hershey, PA charged him with leaving the scene of an accident.[:/]
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I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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If you do, be sure you've got a Cypress. It sure would suck to go in because you fell asleep while turning points...

Now that you mention it, I did start jumping when I was 19 - and still having that problem... but I don't recall ever once feeling sleepy in the air.

Hey, maybe skydiving is was cured it! ;)

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Do you start to feel sleepy, or do you just suddenly fall asleep with no warning?

Do the medications help?

Just curious... I never saw a doctor about it when I was having that problem... But if I really was having narcolepsy then it did go away (so maybe it's not always a lifelong problem?)...

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If it went away then it was not Narcolepsy... It can't. I do sometimes have sleep attacks but if not then I am very very very tired without meds. I have heard it to be compared to a person w/o narcolepsy staying awake for 72 hours and being up at 3 in the morning trying to perform a very boring task. I don't know what thats like but maybe u can imagine. There are a lot of other things that come w/having N. It isn't all about just falling asleep and being tired. If your interested go to the link and read what some of these people say are there problems with it.
If life gives you lemons then make lemonade, if not then go thirsty and keep on truckin'

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HeHe! Well, I've fallen alseep around people before, and they weren't boring at all. I don't do it as much anymore because I take medicine to stay awake. It makes me overly hyper sometimes though... My personality plus extra hyper = annoying, but ya know.. i have to deal with it!:)
If life gives you lemons then make lemonade, if not then go thirsty and keep on truckin'

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I couldn't fall asleep in the air. My addrenaline is going to fast, its your bodys special saftey feature. That's another reason I love to jump because I can be me w/o having to take so much freakin medication.
If life gives you lemons then make lemonade, if not then go thirsty and keep on truckin'

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I saw a tv programme about this girl who had very severe narcolepsy. If she got pretty much any kind of emotional stimulation (like, if she found something funny) she would just switch off and fall over asleep. Weird thing was that she did ballet, and that was the only time it didn't affect her (maybe because she was concentrating too hard or something, I dunno). I also heard somewhere that Kurt Cobain had it, but that might just be a myth.

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A lot of people have it and don't even know. Just in the past 20 years has it started to be researched. The finally know how to diagnose it.. before people were told they had other things like "ADD/ADHD/Depression/Sleep Apnea?ect..."
If life gives you lemons then make lemonade, if not then go thirsty and keep on truckin'

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My cousin has it, and she did about 20 skydives years ago, after being diagnosed. What meds are you on? Hers worked really well for her, leaving her needing only a couple of short naps during the day, and as far as I know, she took nothing during the day. She went off it when she got pregnant, and said that it wasn't as bad as it had been when she was a teen. I haven't talked to her about it lately so I don't know if she went back on or not. Anyway, she was on GHB. Yes, that is the date rape drug that has been classed as a narcotic after killing several people. The difference is, hers is made in a controlled laboratory, not in a bathtub. Also, she obtained it legally as part of clinical testing for its use in treating narcolepsy. It's taken to put you into a deep sleep at night, thus leaving you less suceptible during the day to episodes. It's so powerful she would empty her bladder for the evening, take a half dose, then wake up in the middle of the night to empty her bladder again before taking the rest. Otherwise she'd wet the bed. It worked really really well for her. If you are on other meds, you might try asking your doctor about it. I wish I could relate with you, but all I know is her stories, and the research I've done (it's quite different from the way most people think that it is).

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